What drugstore box dye brand would get my hair to be this color?

I have brown hair but I want it to match the extensions I am getting, everytime I dye my hair a darker brown I always get a red tint in it and I do not want that. If anyone can tell me what drugstore brand is the best and will get my hair to look like this color that would be amazing.

Answer #1

There are a lot of variables in this question. Could you please fill this out, and I can give you better advice:

What colour is your hair now: Is it dyed/bleached?: What is your natural colour: How long since you have coloured your hair: Is your hair very smooth and silky or is it a bit dry (understandable with dyed hair): Are your roots different colour to the midlengths and ends: Are there any reflects in your hair (like a reddy or purpley shine…):

Answer #2

my hair is dark brown with a red tint natural colour is medium brown about 3-4 months since I last dyed it a bit dry feeling roots are darker then my ends red shine

Answer #3

my hair is dark brown with a red tint natural colour is medium brown about 3-4 months since I last dyed it a bit dry feeling roots are darker then my ends red shine

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