Why haven't we legalized drugs?

why havn’t we legalized them?

Answer #1

Probably to keep drugged-out people from killing innocents - our loved ones - is just one very important reason.

Answer #2

drugs don’t make you kill people. they aren’t even what television makes them out to be. except pcp maybe. When your on a drug you know what your doing its not like your out of your mind. Its just a feeling you get, not I blacked out and killed someone.

Answer #3

I think anything between consenting adults should be legal so if it were up to me I’d legalize recreational drugs.

We are literally letting murderers and rapists loose because we have to make room in our jails for non-violent drug offenders with long minimum sentences.

Drug laws push the price of recreational drugs so high that addicts have to resort to crime to pay for them and the same high prices make it very profitiable for pushers.

I don’t think that recrational drugs are a good thing or that people should take them but I think the drug laws don’t work and they only make things worse.

Answer #4

Probably because the few drugs that are legal (cigarettes and alcohol) are among the USA’s leading causes of death for a variety of reasons. Now, given that we already have two recreational drugs that are responsible for a lot of death, sadness, pain, suffering, and medical bills…can you imagine the cost to our society if more drugs were legal?

Think about it.

Answer #5

caffeine is a drug so is fat food. everything is bad for you and could kill you it should be up to you to make the decision if you want to do them. no matter what your going to die, even the the air you breath is horrible. Adults can drink and most people who drink end up driving themselves somewhere. just because people test positive for drugs when they get drug tested when they get into an accident doesnt mean they were on it at the time. live fast die young.

“We are literally letting murderers and rapists loose because we have to make room in our jails for non-violent drug offenders with long minimum sentences.”

at least im not alone in noticing how horrible our government is.

and for all you who think its a sin or its evil who are you to say whats wrong and whats right or normal. theres no such thing, people are people and should do whatever they please without the hassle from others. someboards.com

Answer #6

yeah but did you know weed cures types of cancer and ulcers… if they didnt want us to do drugs they shouldnt have created it.

the government made meth and other drugs to see how people would react.

Answer #7

the government doesnt really care because when you die they get money. alcohol is a horrible drug and its legal, greasy food clogs your arteries and people get hearty attacks ans stokes.

Answer #8

Because good people must do something. There are things in which we can get good out of it but it is also full of evil in it, like a junk food enriched with vitamins or a nutritious milk with a little poison in it. If you eat it, you get the good but, certainly, you also get the harmful substances in it.

Just because a thing has something good in it doesn’t mean it is wholesome already. Most of the times, those little good elements are the very ones that bad people use as a pretext in order to subtly convince young minds that this bad material is good and i see how successful they are at that point.

In the end, we clearly see what happens to a person who is addicted to drugs.

Answer #9

This question is really going know where do any other advisors think it’s time to lock it?

Answer #10

Weed, the slang for marijuana, is a drug. :)

Answer #11

this question is being locked because it has run it’s course. If you’d like to discuss the topic further, you can post a new question :)

Answer #12

because they could kill you and i really dont think the goverment wants everybody to start dyen it could cause an un plesent smell

Answer #13


Answer #14


Risk-taking behavior and injury are especially common during adolescence and young adulthood. Drug use contributes to injuries among adolescents and young adults because it has negative effects on perception, judgment, and reaction time. A young person under the influence of drugs also has less respect for the welfare of self and others. Just as drinking and driving create a dangerous mix, illegal drug use poses severe threat of injury to drivers and others on the road with them. A landmark Tennessee study found that over half of drivers stopped by police for reckless driving who tested negative for alcohol use were actually intoxicated with drugs. The drugs most frequently detected were cocaine and marijuana. The United States and many other countries are reporting rising numbers of injured motorists testing positive for marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, or other illegal drugs. These trends probably reflect both real changes in driving under the influence of drugs and the improving capability of police to test drivers for drugs. An American study on nonfatal injury compared 15,000 substance abusers between the ages of 10 and 64 with a group of 75,000 nonabusers to see if their injury patterns varied. Abusers were more likely to be injured than non-abusers. Of subjects categorized as both drug and alcohol abusers, 58 percent sustained an injury over the three years of observation. This compared to 49 percent of those who had abused drugs only, 46 percent of those who had abused only alcohol, and 39 percent of those who had abused neither. With non-abusers as the base of comparison, the likelihood of hospitalization for an injury was four times higher among the combined drug and alcohol abuse group, three times higher among the drug abusers, and twice as high among the alcohol abusers. Another study conducted in three large metropolitan areas of the United States showed that illegal drug use strongly increased the likelihood that users would meet a violent death—in other words, die from intentional injury. This study looked at marijuana, cocaine, heroin, amphetamines, and barbiturates. The study found that drug users were seven times more likely than non-users to commit suicide, and five times more likely to be murdered. Subjects using both drugs and alcohol were seventeen times more likely to commit suicide, and twelve times more likely to die from homicide than non-users. A drug overdose is the misuse of drugs in amounts so high that a person can fall asleep, become unconscious, lapse into a coma, or die. Overdoses are in fact a form of poisoning. Most drugs can be deadly when taken in large quantities, whether swallowed, inhaled, or injected intravenously. Drugs such as heroin, methadone, cocaine, opioids, benzodiazepines, amphetamines, and “designer” or “club” drugs such as ecstasy can all lead to an overdose. Combining drug and alcohol use is an extremely common cause of overdoses. Even caffeine, a drug that public health professionals consider relatively harmless in terms of causing injuries, has caused fatal overdoses when people have taken huge doses in the form of pills. Whether unintentional or intentional, drug poisonings are especially harmful to the young. An unintentional injury is not an accident. Both unintentional and intentional injuries can be predicted and prevented. For example, routine use of trained lifeguards and secured locks at public swimming pools would help prevent drowning caused by drug intoxication. Drug screening, prevention, and treatment programs must be central parts of a comprehensive public health strategy aimed at reducing, and eventually eliminating, the burden of injury on society as a whole.

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