What are some diet ideas?

I’m not going to say my weight ‘cause I’m realy FAT but I need ideas to help drop this weight and yes I do a lot of exercise and I do eat kinda healthly so whats wrong with me why can’t I drop this FAT ?? HELP!!!

Answer #1

The Atkins Diet works ! You have to eat all protein meats, cheeses,eggs,chicken, for two weeks, decaffinated drinks with no sugar also…it’s a committment, but so is over eating, that got us over weight in the first place.

Answer #2

ugh, I hate when girls do this. you know your not fat!!! your just depressed or searching 4 attention!!! so either see a counselor or gain some confidence; why cant there be better girls out there? im suggesting being happy w/ yourself because looks are not; I repeat, ARE NOT the most important thing in the world, ok??? good luck, ♥Sierra♥

Answer #3

Well the only way I can help you is if you tell me your weight… but I promise promise PROMISE I wont laugh! Fun Mail Me and I swear I can make things work out! :)

Answer #4

you may be eating the wrong foods. stick with 1200 calories a day, fruits veggies, lean meats and take vitamins. exercise 60 minutes a day, every day, and you will lose weight, promise. good luck

Answer #5

fun mail me and I may be able to help. xxx

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