Correct action taken ?

A New Jersey second-grader’s drawing of a stick figure shooting a gun has earned him a one-day school suspension. Seven-year-old Kyle Walker’s mom told an The Press newspaper of Atlantic City that her son was suspended for violating the district’s zero-tolerance policy on guns. She said her son told her he’d drawn a water pistol. Kyle gave the picture to another child on the school bus, and that child’s parents complained about it to school officials - Suspension justified or not justified ?

Answer #1

We have to get away from all sorts of “zero tolerance” rules. There are always times when it is apropriate to use discression when dealing with rules.

Also recently a high school student was expelled for giving a classmate asprin.

A girl was suspended for writing a fictional poem about wanting to kill the person who killed her dog even though she only said that she wanted to kill them not that she would and her family didn’t even own a dog.

There is no problem so big that we have to abandon common sense.

Answer #2

School sucks, for several billion reasons + this.

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