What's the best conversation you've ever had?

This is a college essay question that Standford posed for it’s applicants. I’m not asking for lengthy essays just genuine responses, thank you :)

Answer #1

A conversation with Tyler D. he showed me how the reality really is. Showed me how I was responsible for everything which ever happened in my life. I still remember than conversation with him. I don’t think I will ever forget about it :)

Answer #2

I have had a lot of conversations, so its hard to say which is the absolute best. The first thing that came to mind was a conversation I had with my MSc supervisor last year. We were talking about some of my experiments while he ate lunch, and I told him he had food on his face (as its horrible to let someone walk about with food on their face!). We moved on from that back to science, but I dont think he had said more than a few sentences before we made eye contact and neither of us could stop laughing. After that, niether of us could remember what we had originally been talking about. I like conversations like that.

Answer #3

On here, probably my talks with Mackenzie. She’s such an inspiration to me. I’ve also had alot of great conversations with my bestfriend Denver. He is just the most REAL person. He’s like one of those that everything you see in front of you is everything. Like he has no hidden agenda. And he is such a great person that he’d never has the need to have a mask. Thats such a rarity. What about you?

Answer #4

My best conversations (because I can’t pick just one) are those I share with my hubby. Not only are our conversations pointless and irrational, we tend to fill them with silly “what ifs:” and “can your imagine”. We do a very good job at escaping reality when we feel the need to :)

Answer #5

well the conversations i have with eric:) its just so funny and is never awkward. also the conversations i have with Anna:) she really helps me and really inspires me:)

Answer #6

I think the best conversation I ever had was when me and my boyfriend finally commited to each other(:

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