What's the best/worst/most insulting insult you've ever heard?

Personally 2 of my favourites are:

“If ignorance were bliss you would have multiple orgasms regularly”


“I can see that you are wise, not like this strutting fool, whose only right to nobility is having crawled out from between the leggs of a queen.”

Answer #1

He’s gotta have a brain… somewhere… He doesn’t ahve two neurons to rub together. Witless wonder. Mental midget. To cool for school, to stupid for the real world!

Answer #2

One of the most insulting things I’ve ever heard is ‘Bodysnatchers 4 Ever’ by Leathermouth, lol. Urgh!

Answer #3

“If you had six more brain cells than you do right now you’d still only have half a dozen!”

Answer #4

…son of a shepherd who does it with his goats because they remind him of his sister.

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