Con artists

So my mom was dating this dick named shane. Turns out he’s a con artist. He used her for everything to get money Can we get him arrested?

Answer #1

Do a police report. Theft by deceit. Then take him to small claims court.

Answer #2

Gather proof - consult Lawyer - consult Police and find out your options…Take care !!

Answer #3

yeah. go to the cops and ask around.

Answer #4

I would get a case together and see what the cops say

Answer #5

im a con artist but I would never con a woman. this guy is a coward and needs put to justice. maybe he should get his happy section cut in half. too much but it would stop him from doing stuff like that again. I dont know what he did but that would stop me. I just con food restuarants into giving me free food somehow. but conning a woman of money. I think he should con guys in prison to sucking his you know. either way hes in prison.

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