Can I swap my old hard drive to a new computer?

Can I swap my old hard drive to a new computer?

Answer #1

generally, yes. there are some computers, like Sony Vaio that are supporting archetecture that won’t allow the drive to properly be read by the new computer. Ususall why you merely have to plub the IDE cable into your old hard drive, along with a power plug. If your new computer HAS a hard drive, you must move the little jumpers on the back of both hard drives to the position “cable Select” this allows both drives to share the same cable (Your “C” drive will be on th end of the cable, and your old drive will become “D” and connects to the middle of the cable. When you go to “My Computer” you should see two drives “C” and “D” (or whatever next letter is available to assign to that drive..could be “E” or “F” depending upon how many other (C.D. D.V.D. or Floppy evices you have) Right click on it to see properties, and if that is the drive, then open it and see if you can view your files. generally if the operating systems are the same (Microsoft windows xp for example) no problem. Changing from an Apple to Windows is a bit more complicated and requires downloading a lot of software. If you cannot get the drive to open, search out drive repair and recovery on the internet there are hundreds of free downloads that will fix it.

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