Does it bother you if you see a mother breastfeeding in public?

My parents & I were at the park today, and we saw a mother beast feeding a child, Her husband was helping keep the baby’s head up & stuff, and the two dogs were sitting their with heir heads-tilled watching( XD It was soo Funny). My dad said he didn’t a issuse with it, “Long as she’s comfortable” but my mom was like “What’s wrong with her showing breast in pulic with kids around” It made my heart smile theirs nothing like the bond between mother & Child. But anyway it wasn’t a big deal, their were alot of little kids around and none of kids were really looking at her. And if they were they woundn’t have seen anything b/c she also have a blanket covering her. My mom didn’t breast-fed me (She really doesn’t have any breast anyway :P ) Anyway How do you feel about this?

Answer #1

It kind of depends. If the lady is covering herself up nicely, then I don’t really mind. If she’s exposing way too much, then I start feeling awkward.

Answer #2

I agree with you. I’ve always been amazed at the level of discomfort people have with breastfeeding in public, but even more amazed at the number of women who will never even consider doing it, as if it’s some archaic, unnecessary ritual.

Answer #3

I don’t get why people don’t like it. Its the most natural thing to do for a baby and i feel ashamed when I’ve heard about woman being asked not to do it if they don’t like it why look or even acknowledge it if it’s going to annoy them. They shouldn’t care atleast she’s comfortable with breastfeeding her Child in public and thats all that should matter.

Answer #4

I think it’s gross. That should be done in private. Either bottle feed the baby or don’t breastfeed it when I’m around. I don’t want to see your boobs, and I’m sure no one else does either. Have some self respect. Just sayin.

Answer #5

I think is fine as long as she has like somthing to cover up. Usually when I see mothers breast feeding they have a shaul or something to cover, but if nothings covering her then I find it kind of awkward, I mean there isn’t really anything wrong with it, it’s completely natural & healthy, its just awkward ahah.

Answer #6

I feel as though people should respect social norms. Personally, breast feeding in public does not bother me. Public nudity does not bother me. A two headed teenager freebasing on a unicycle doesn’t bother me. However, our society has clearly made showing certain parts in public a no-no. Breasts happen to be one of those parts. The whole “wardrobe malfunction” of the super bowl illustrates this no-no quite perfectly. I understand that breast feeding, and showing breasts for a sexual reason are two totally different scenarios, but for the most part many people are still very uncomfortable with seeing those naughty bits…Even if it is a very natural and necessary part of life. I think out of respect for the social norms of our society they should at least cover up.

Answer #7

But they are covering them self with a blanket! If a dog does it in pulic people would be ok with it. some would even call it cute. But if a women does its “gross”? It apart of nature.

Answer #8

Dogs aren’t humans ….

Answer #9

I don’t mind we went to the zoo and my sister had to feed her baby she put a blanket to. It’s really not a big deal if someone has a proble with it then don’t look, simple as that. As long as the girls covered and not showing.

Answer #10

some acts are meant to be intimate and i think breastfeeding should be kept out of the public’s view. any bonding moments that include flashing private parts should be kept of out everyone else’ view

Answer #11

But were both animals & mammals. It’s something we have in common.

Answer #12

I still think it’s gross to see a woman breastfeeding.

Answer #13

I think social norms are overrated.

Answer #14

Ughh Fine. :]

Answer #15

Perhaps they are, but social norms have their role. Sometimes its just easier to play along as long as no one is getting hurt.

Answer #16

It’s weird because it’s not normal. But adults eat in public so why can’t babies?

Answer #17

This has to be the funniest answer on FunAdvice!! You made my day Mr. ! xD

Answer #18

Social norms evolve because of pressure. What if the people who don’t mind seeing breasts eventually convince all the people who DO mind, and the social norm changes? They’re not written in stone, and they should not be practiced specifically because they’re “norms.” I think we should challenge anything and everything we don’t believe in, whether it’s a social norm, a policy or a law. Society is a dynamic thing, because we’re all individuals, and we shouldn’t lose our individuality in that way.

Answer #19

I’m not saying social norms are set in stone, nor do I believe just because they are “norms” they are right. If the social norms change then thats fine….Breast feeding for everyone!! I just don’t think that public breast feeding would be a big deal in a culture where people don’t wear clothing, or who are just a lot more comfortable with “private” body parts. Unfortunately our culture is not that way, but it doesn’t mean things won’t change. But honestly, for a thing such as breast feeding which could easily be covered with a light blanket, its not difficult or even asking much to just cover up the sweater puppets while you feed your offspring…..

Answer #20

It doesnt bother me at all. What bothers me is that society cant seem to seperate something sexual from something as innocent and beautiful as feeding a child. The primary function of a womans breast is to nourish her baby. Its perfectly normal and natural and if she is comfortable doing it in public then she is perfectly entitled to do so.

Answer #21

What about men breast feeding in public? Would anyone have a problem with seeing that?

Answer #22

my mum has 6 weeks to go until the babys born and shes decided to breast feed, - i wasnt, but i hope she doesnt in public if i see anyone i now or a ny boys lol it will be a bit embarrasingg but other than that its her choice :P

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