Boston massacre?

I need ideas I need to do this paper over the boston massacre from the revolutionary war..I have no idea what to write! Any help?

Answer #1

I’m not sure how it works these days, but when I was in school, there were these buildings that cities and towns used as repositories of knowledge on a wide array of subjects. In the Olde English of my day, they were called Lye’Braireys.

What would happen is you would go to the Lye’Brairey (the journey could take upwards of two weeks) and ask the Lye’Brairyan for help finding information on a particular subject. Or you would look up the subject yourself. When you found the location of the subject, you would gather together a number of Boukes. These Boukes were like iPods, but made of trees, and with words instead of music.

After you had read a number of Boukes, you would – and here is where it gets pretty weird – you would FORM YOUR OWN OPINIONS BASED ON THE FACTS PROVIDED. Then, write the opinions down. With a pencil. On paper.

I have no idea how things are done nowadays, but maybe that will give you a place to start.

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