
well, just got a new boyfriend, and this one girl told me that he was cheating on me. with this other girl kealsa or whatever. and I asked him bout it and he said she was a brate (it wasnt that word but yeah.) and that he had broken up with her. how do I know hes telling the truth?

Answer #1

Congratulations, to begin with. 8D

There’s a few ways to figure out if he’s lying to you, but the truth is you probably can’t tell. Guys are compulsive liars all through high school so you kind of have to cut through the BS with a machete. Not fun, nor is it easy.

You can ask your friends to spy on him and if he calls you out you can lie and say “Huh?” You can keep an eye on him yourself. Check out how he acts. If he makes a promise, make sure he comes through. If you ask him a direct question, check his response. Does he make eye contact with you? Does he dance around the question? You can go even deeper, too. If his pupils get bigger, he’s lying. HOWEVER, that’s a very hard thing to start doing. Especially if he’s got DES (as I like to call it: Dodgey-Eye-Syndrome…lol). There’s also listening to the tone in his voice, again, hard to do unless you know what to listen for.

Excerpt from “The Six Signs He’s Lying” on

WebMD: So, what are the six signs?

Caldwell: Glad you asked that because that takes us to the heart of the book.

First, romantic liars are very good at what I call information control. So that’s the first sign – if your partner knows far more about you than you know about him, there’s a chance there’s a hidden agenda in play.

Another sign is the presence of a lot of “impression management” – you have an idea of what your partner is like, but you’ve never really had any of the information verified.

A third sign – and this seems to apply in so many cases – deceptive relationships usually take off like a rocket … like love at first sight, if you know what I mean.

Another sign is all the “tending and narrowing” that takes place in the relationship. Romantic liars have a built-in need to keep their partners on a short leash – out of contact with the real world – out of contact with people who might know the truth. As a result, it is common for romantic liars to go to some rather extraordinary lengths to limit a victim’s contact with friends, family, co-workers, etc.

Finally, a very strong sign that you’re mixed up with a romantic liar is that your intuition will eventually signal you. That’s just the way it usually works.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions! 8D

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