What's the best exercise to tone inner thighs?

What’s the best exercise to make your inner thighs smaller and more toned???

Answer #1


Answer #2

winsor pilates.

Answer #3

I was at your question looking fro answers to it also,so I have no advice,but must tell everyone-It is spelled “plie”. Sorry,Just had to say it!! And you can trust that because it is pretty much the simpliest ballet term ever and I am pre-professional level. Look it up online if you doubt me.

Answer #4

The muscles of the inner thigh are the hardest to target however it can be done and you don’t have to run to the gym or lie on the floor to do it! Believe me I’ve tried everything and for the last year I’ve kept my thighs in GREAT shape by using the Thighmaster Gold and Thighmaster LBX. I got both last year because it gets harder and harder after 40 to keep shapely legs so I’m glad I’ve found a way to do it that doesn’t make me dread doing it. I bought a Bowflex machine and spent a fortune on it and don’t use it, it’s big and bulky and I have to fiddle with it to get it set up each time, so I found it’s easier to use the thighmaster toning system. It also came with a DVD which made it all simple and I can do it anywhere, like when my hubby and I pop down to the Virgin Islands I can put it in my suitcase and my thighs get their daily workout and it doesn’t take half an hour or longer to do so. THAT has been the key for me to keep at it. I seem to fall off the wagon when something requires too much of my time when there are all kinds of other things I have to get done on a daily basis. You can check out AgelessDame.com to see the toning system, just thought I would recommend it as I’ve used it and still do!

Answer #5

Ok. this exercise might sound gay, but it works. It is called the butterfly lie flatt on your back but put your feet straight up in the air, attach both heals. Then turn out your feet by rotating your heals inwards, towards you. Do this several times. When you do this though, be sure to turn your heals inward and then back out etc to get a full effect of your in ward muscle moving your entire leg. Or you can try doing plyas. (not sure if spelled it right.)

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