Belly dance

is it ok for christians to belly dance??

Answer #1

Yes its ok. But if your parents say not to then you can name your reasons and what you intend but if they dont want you to. dont do it. There are no reasons to not belly dance unless you intend this for any sexual method.

Answer #2

I grew up in the Near East and have been dancing since age 3. How sexual is that? Men belly dance. Jesus Christ belly dances! He did at the wedding in Canaa … remember he spoke Aramaic a form of Persian. Ladies would dance together and encourage one another to have an easier childbirth by way of proper muscle control. Men use short scarves and swords traditionally. Young ladies who danced publicly were earning coins for a dowry, which they sewed into their skirts in hopes of finding a good husband. They were virgins. In many countries the costumes are more concealing than what you see here. I grew up tying a scarf at my hips and dancing for my grandparents and their house full. My husband is appreciative. Best Wishes, and GOD bless. ROYA

Answer #3

yes, theres nothing wrong with it your not taking of your clothes or anything your just dancing and usually your just dancing for yourself its not something that goes against your religion ither

Answer #4

My sister belly dances in the privacy of her own home (its a work out). I would find it disturbing but that is only because I am her brother. I wouldn’t do it to make a spectical of myself in public, because the dance itself is sexual in nature. You have to consider would it arouse a thought that would be displeasing to G-d.

Answer #5

Yes, but only if you’re hot.

Answer #6

I know a group of belly dancers! And if its how it should be its not sexual at all! So I would say yes it would be ok!

Answer #7

Only if your not naked. lol

Answer #8

yes, of course!

Answer #9

I like to belly dance too! its alright,, but your parents might judge

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