Atypical cell???

Ok I had a pap smear done and the test results came back saying that an abnormal atypical cell. Can you explain this to me? How did I get this? Im so confused but freakin out.

Answer #1

Don’t worry, its probably a screw up. They have atypical cells all the time. This may I had one, had a repap in October and it turned out normal this time. No big. Don’t worry.

Answer #2

Dont worry too much. As mkunzman said, sometimes they can be wrong, I know several people who have had this happen. They will check it again to make sure.

If it turns out there is something wrong, this doesnt necessarity mean anything terrible either. What they are looking for in a pap smear is cell dysplasia which if left untreated can become neoplasia which is a precurser to cancer. Dysplasia though is fully reversible and very straight forward to treat which is why its good to have regular pap smears

Answer #3

It means that there COULD BE: HPV, precancerous cells, cancer cells or a mistake at the lab. Don’t get worked up about it…I have had 4 pap smears that have come back this way and nothing bad has happened. Your doctor will most likely do a biopsy (it hurts only a little). It’s very normal for it to happen…so DON’T FREAK OUT. Gynecologists will tell you that having sex the night before a pap smear can also mess it up. The best thing to do is just to relax and talk to your doctor about what they want to do. A lot of times they will do another pap smear first to see if the lab messed up.

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