Attention Seeking Anarexic/Bulemic

Ok, so my cousin is anarexic and bulemic but I know she’s only doing for attention. Should I tell her mum (or her brother to tell her mum) so that she can get her out of it or should I just leave it and hope she gets over herself? I’m not sure what to do because she looks SO unhealthy and some of my most unobservant friends are noticing and asking questions, and I dont know what to say to them because if I just go “oh yeah she’s anarexic” then she’ll be getting the attention she wants which wil encourage her to keep going… so what do you think I should do?!?! I really need help on this please give me your opions asap!! Thanks in advance xox

Answer #1

This is possibly the most ignorant thing I’ve ever read on this site. Anorexia and Bulimia are mental disorders. It’s like saying she refuses to get over pneumonia on her own and she wants to be sick on purpose for the attention. If it’s for the attention, then why are you even asking this question? How is it even a problem if it is just for attention? And if it is just for attention, why doesnt her family know about it? Oh and in case you were unaware, these disorders also happen to have pretty high mortality rates. Seems a little extreme for someone who is just looking for attention.

Tell someone before she does irreversible harm to her body or ends up dying…

Answer #2

And in answer to your questions ty I’m asking this question because I’m worried about her, she’s autistic so doesnt realise that she is causing real harm to her body. It’s a problem because she’s causing harm to her body, and I am her family I know about it but she doesnt want her mum to know because she knows she will force her to eat.

Answer #3

It’s not healthy, you need to tell her mother so she can get her help. She’s going to be mad at you, without a doubt. But it could go too far and she could really hurt herself and by telling, you’re helping her in the longrun.

Answer #4

tell sumone. if you love her you will. tell your frends that shes just sick. butyes tell sumone rite away

Answer #5

Thank you to the people who took that seriously, I shall talk to her mum :) xox

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