What does atheist mean?

Does that mean you worship satan, or you don’t believe in anything?

Answer #1

Please do not think that I am judging…I dont know what to believe in…I am just wonderin

Answer #2

…bunk? I’d say totally idiotic.

Answer #3


Answer #4

thats not the question I asked, but thanks for tip-toeing around it? I was just asking if you would regret not having faith

Answer #5

Which god? What if there really is a god, but he/she/it hates blind faith? Or really hates christians? I think I’ll take the safe bet and stick with non-belief, thanks.

Answer #6

Tell me this…if when you die, and there is a heaven and hell, and your are condemned to hell for not believing or whatever, will you regret not having the faith fo God?

Answer #7

* So, what happens after death?

The same thing that happened for the first 15 billion years of the universe when you didn’t exist yet.

Answer #8

what about past lives and future lives. Do you think that people are reborn into another life with no memory at all of a past life. Theres a word for this, but I am not sure what it is.

Answer #9

Reincarnation. I would hazard a guess that most atheists don’t believe in it (I certainly don’t), but being an atheist has no bearing on whether or not you believe in reincarnation.

Answer #10

And I still think Christianity is stupid -

however the difference between you and me is, I don’t make hypocritical forum posts about it. I keep what I have to think about religion in my head unless I see someone like you spouting out nonsense like this.

Answer #11

yeah, im an athiest…it pretty much mean you dont believe in anything that has to do with religion. I believe that after you die, the thoughts in your brain just disapate and thats it. I know..it sounds pretty grim but…

Answer #12

“honestly being an athest is just the dumbiest and hardest thing for me to understand”

Are you a Christian? If so, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ->

Answer #13

Neither. Atheists simply don’t believe in a god (any god) - that pretty much precludes believing in the existence of satan, as well.

It’s also not true that an atheist automatically “doesn’t believe in anything”. Many atheists are skeptics - that is, we only believe that for which we are presented with solid evidence - but not all.

Answer #14

honestly being an athest is just the dumbiest and hardest thing for me to understand

Understood :)

If a theist thinks my views are stupid, then I know I’m heading the right direction :)

Answer #15

Satinism is believing in Satan…Atheism is not believing in anything to do with God, Satan, heaven, hell…afterlife…etc etc.


Answer #16

Not at all.

An atheist is a person who does not believe in God, Heaven, Hell, etc. It simply means you don’t have faith in things that can not be proven.

Answer #17

Well, its okay to ask, if you don’t know…

Its not like religion makes a whole lot of sense to begin with. They have to make it worse by using seemingly conflicting terminology.

Most would consider a ‘Satanist’ to be a worshipper of Satan… which makes sense. But not ALL Satanists actually worship Satan. There ARE some Satanists that ARE atheistic, but most atheists are NOT Satanists… … … … …

…owww…my head…

Answer #18

In the hypothetical case that the vengeful, petty christian god really existed, sure, obviously I would regret being tortured for the rest of eternity. My point is that if you’re going to use Pascal’s Wager, you have to accept the possibility not just of the christian god or no god, but also the possibility of a god that’s actively hostile to blind faith (or even to christians specifically). In other words, Pascal’s Wager is bunk.

Answer #19

satanists believe in satan athiests dont beleive in any god, or anything religiouse people beleive in, like heaven or hell after they die? a lot of them dont think there is life after death but some do just because you dont beleive in gods doesnt mean they all dont beleive theyll go somewere when they die to them, it wont be heaven or hell though it might be something like reincarnation, another planet, there souls stay around, as ghosts, ect people have come up with many, many different opinions and guesses about what will happen when they die

Answer #20

I still say its stupid

Answer #21

honestly being an athest is just the dumbiest and hardest thing for me to understand

Answer #22

Most atheists don’t believe there is life after death.

Answer #23

So, what happens after death?

Answer #24

they dont belive in god

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