Does being angry a lot mean I have anger problems?

Answer #1

Probally not.

Answer #2

Not necessarily.

Answer #3

Why do u get angry? Is it over little things? if you get angry over every little matter then propbaly yes but otherswise i think no.

Answer #4

You could be surrounded by stupid people constantly

Answer #5

Anger is a state of mind, nothing can influence you unless you choose to be influenced, nothing can anger you until you choose to be angered. So yeah, if you get angry too much, you have anger issues.

Answer #6

yes this is true

Answer #7

if u got angry then: wash ur hands,face,feet with water and “just wipe” ur head [hair] with water and clean ears with wet fingers… if u was standing then sit, if was sitting the stand up, i hope it works :}> tell me if u tried it ::D>

Answer #8

… how is this helpful, exactly?

Answer #9

That’s up to you. Do you enjoy and value your anger (and its effect on your relationships)? Does it feel to you like it causes problems or difficulties for you? Do you not care about it one way or the other?

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