Am I unlucky?

So far 5 people in my family have died this summer… :( is that just bad luck??I was just wondering…

Emily :)

Answer #1

Im so sorry to hear of all your losses. I have lost quite a few people in my family/life. I know how hard it can be. I have lost 7 people in my life since my husband and I meet/became boyfriend/girlfriend and got married. That is 7 people in 3 year time frame and thats not including all our miscarriages we have had. So I know how it feels.

If you ever need to talk funmail me ((HUGS))

Answer #2

no I dont think its bad luck. I think your jsut younger than most people when they experience death. as you get older more and more people you know seem to die.

in a weird sense I guess your actually lucky being faced with this much grief this early. means when it happens when your older you’ll know how to deal with it. ^-^

luck is a frame of mind ><

Answer #3

unfortunately its apart of this fallen world we live in & when its time to go, we go..

sorry about your losses :-( but I have also heard that people can actually bring things on, they think about it too much & speak bad words & curse themselves,

just try not to think about it, dont think that because everyone in your family goes they all will, just try and be happy & get on with life!

if ever you need to talk, I’m here, hugs & blessings to you xo

Answer #4

the only bad luck is in your mind. sorry for your losses. hope all gets better

Answer #5

Its just how life works =(

Answer #6

I don’t think so, it was just their time to die…

Answer #7

‘fraid so

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