4 Month Old An Cereal

I Have A 4month Old Son. And All He Wants To Do Is Eat Im Feeding Him 8 Oz Bottles Now Cause He Gets Really Hungry I Started To Feed Him Rice With A Veggie Or Fruit And His Dr Told Me To Stop Feeding Him Solids And Start Back Feeding Him Solids When He Is 7 Months Old. My Son Is Takeing In Like 6 8Ozbottles A Day Now That I Stopped The Cereal. Should I Just Keep Feeding Him Solids. He Weights 13lbs an 24 inches long

Answer #1

OMG… liltna .If you listen to everything your babies doctor says your baby will be anorexic and you will go insaine. everything a parent does, the doctor is always going to tell you to stop doing what you are doing because the baby is to young. I have 2 daughters and both of my babies was a cry baby and that was b/c I was doing everything my pediatrician said and was following the baby book. when she was 1 week old I put cereral in her milk before she went to bed and she was sleeping 4 to 5 hours straight. I gave my daughter when she was 4 months old cream of wheat cokked with her formula and was giving her also solid food and the gerber deserts. and nothing happend to either of my girls. and my pediatrician would always say they were healthy and neither of them were anemic and hardly got sick.

Answer #2

Actually, the youngest you should introduce solids to your baby is 4 months, so it’s fine. My baby does not eat that much, that is a lot!! I would keep giving him solids. My baby will be 5 months on the 14th, and she eats solids every once in a while!

Answer #3

Not all babies are gonna be the same.Doctors compare babies all to the same based upon a book and chart. If your baby is hungry and eating that much it wont hurt your baby to start on cereals or jar fruits.This I know because I too had three kids like that and they turned out fine.

Answer #4

I was giving my baby cereal and he was 1 week. cause my baby didnt eat a lot and needed to gain weight. nothing will happen if you feed him solids. but maybe you should listen 2 your docter. but me personally I would prby feed my baby solids if I think he really needs 2 and safe 2 do so

Answer #5

He is awful young to be feeding him solids, but I was giving my sister solids around 2 months old. If the doctor says no, maybe you shouldn’t do it. But it’s possible you might want to see another doctor because you know your baby better than anyone. Maybe try a little rice cereal in his bottle a couple times a day. Only about 1 scoop for every two ounces in the bottle. Start him off slowly and progress from there. If your give him too much too early he can have severe weight problems as he grows. Vegetables and such aren’t such a great idea at so young an age because they can cause digestional problems. try the rice in the bottle first. It will ease his appetite but that many bottles in a day is very normal. is he throwing up a lot? if not then he’s perfectly fine. Because throwing up is an idication of him not being able to tell when he is full. try sufficing him with a binky in between feedings it could also be the comfort of having the bottle in his mouth especially if he’s throwing up a lot. If it’s not a lot then there’s nothing wrong with him eating that much. He’s just a hungry boy haha

Answer #6

At 4 months you should not be introducing solids to your child. Rice cerial is usually fine though. Follow the doctors orders. That is the best thing to do. You are not the one to decide when your child starts solids, the doctor is. You could always put a tad bit of rice cerial in his bottles to fill him up better. But otherwise listen to the doctor. Always ask the doctor before introducing any new foods into your childs diet.

Answer #7

sometimes doctors dont always know whut they are talking about. my 1st son was the same way,I had to add rice cereal to his bottle on top of baby food. and 4 months is the age they can start. but unfortunatlly for me with my 3rd son…he is 10 monthes old now and refuses too eat anything but his bottle. allthough he has acid reflux and just started on medication to see if that helps him any and hopefully he will start eating more. but good luck with your baby,congrades. and if you have any questions just message me or add me if ya want 2. =]

Answer #8

my son did the same thing and if they eat it .. feed it to them…I would try regular food like every other day to see how his bowel movements are. If they are o.k. gradually increase the amount of solids… But baby cereal should not hurt nothing as of right now… they dont need the food until about 6 months any ways and it all depends on the child

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