Can I take my 15-1/2 year old brother to jail for doing drugs?

Answer #1


Answer #2

yeah just say he tried to kill you. Haha lol jk

Answer #3

yeah just say he tried to kill you. Haha lol jk don’t tell them that.

Answer #4

You should just tell him to go to rehab. Jail will stay on his record forever…

Answer #5

You can report him to law enforcement but you should ask yourself if it is in your or his best interest to do so. If you narc on your brother expect to be estranged from him for the rest of your life. I know I would never forgive a sibling that did that to me. Our draconian laws look at addicts as criminals rather than victims. Your brother being arrested probably won’t help him in the long run. If he has a problem with controlled substances he won’t get better until he decides to get better. He may need to hit “rock bottom” before turning around but I don’t think you should push him down that hill.

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