Does Zumba work?

Does Zumba work and how quickly do accutally drop the weight?? And do you need to chnage your diet too?
Please tell. Because I want to be slim for the summer.

Answer #1

It works great! It’s a fun way to shed off the pounds. Doesn’t get boring and it works awesomely. Go for it! :)

Changing your diet is a good way to keep the weight off, if you dont, your body will jump right back after quiting zumba.

Answer #2

It works amazingly!!… Me and My mom likedit so much we bought the video game witch works just as well.Even my friends mom is coming to Zumba with me :) !!!

Answer #3

Personally, I don’t do it, but I do know people who do-do it, and it works very well! It’s a great way to lose weight in a fun and exciting way. And with Zumba, it’s always different so there is no “plateau effect” that will set in after doing it a few times. I’ll be honest, I’m not sure how quickly it works, so you might want to try some other cardio exercises on top of that. Running, biking, etc. Enjoy, and good luck!

Answer #4

My friend shes 35 yrs old ans sh loves it! She says it gives her a great workout.

Answer #5

Definately! my mum goes every week and has been for the past month or two and has already lost a bunch of weight !! and she says its alot of fun! :P

Answer #6

Yes! I know from expirience

Answer #7

Yhea!!!! I love zumba haha

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