Could a zombie apocalypse actually happen?

Answer #1


Answer #2


Answer #3

No, how would something that is dead come alive?

Answer #4

You were asking a Yes or No question. So it was a Yes. Viral infections, parasites, etc. that has the ability to re-animate dead bodies, and stuffs like that. It’s not impossible. =) However, If you asked something like: “What is the likelihood that a Zombie apocalypse would happen,” I would answer: “Very Low”

Answer #5

Well that depends on what we mean by Zombie….. if you are talking about the original zombies that come out of graves…. I’d have to say no. However, I see a better possibility of a highly contagious virus/bacteria/something that will deteriorate a person’s mind into nothing but a strong desire to eat human flesh and the inability to feel pain and basically take away all anything that separates one as an individual.

So they aren’t dead coming back to life, but a living person becoming a zombie…. make sense?

Answer #6

Yeah. i agree to this one. =)

Answer #7

i mean like zombieland

Answer #8

exactly like Zombieland…… that one bad hamburger

Answer #9

No becase they need like some sort of experimeant done to them soo the need chemicals on the to be like a zombie or w.e but no they cant invade

Answer #10

its inevitable.

Answer #11

haha That movie was weird! :P

Answer #12

so do you think it will happen?

Answer #13

It can happen, alright. I don’t know if it WILL happen, though.

Answer #14

i kinda want it to happen haha jkjk although it would be fun blowing a zombies head off with a 12 gauge or a m16 haha lol

Answer #15

It’ll be fun alright…. until they bite you…. that poses another question. Would you take your own life or let yourself become a zombie?

Answer #16

probably never will, but could.

Answer #17

Woo! I’m sorry for not replying i was grounded. Anyways I would not take my life, I would fight for it! And i believe not the classical gunshop plan would work,I guess I could consider myself fortunate to have a machete, a scythe,an ax,and docens of shovels. I would take my family or whoever is left and find a safe zone or hopefully something similar to the forest of hands and teeth… nah take that back, just a safe zone

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