Your thoughts on proposition 8?

Proposition 8 is a California State ballot proposition that would amend the state Constitution to restrict the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman. It would overturn a recent California Supreme Court decision that had recognized same-sex marriage in California as a fundamental right. The official ballot title language for Proposition 8 is “Eliminates Right of Same-Sex Couples to Marry.” The entirety of the text to be added to the constitution is: “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California.” (From wiki)

Arizona and Florida have passed similar laws…

Thoughts? Anyone surprised it passed in California too?

Answer #1

“What is surprising is people comparing sexual behavior to skin pigment. There is not concrete scientific proof that you are “born gay”.”

“There is now plenty of research which shows that a person’s sexual orientation, far from being a phase or a lifestyle choice, is a reflection of fixed properties of their brain that develop at an early age. “

There is plenty of scientific evidence that homosexuality has genetic and developmental components. And even if didn’t, that wouldn’t mean it’s a ‘choice’ any more than handedness, introversion/extraversion, or (I hestiate to use the comparison) mental illness is a choice. (Note I’m using the comparison simply for the category of things that are “not genetic but not a choice”, not because I think homosexuality is a mental ilness)

“So far as we know it is still a “lifestyle choice”.”

Really? And you think you could make a lifestyle choice to start liking people of the same gender sexually?

“There really is nothing positive that comes from homosexuality except for maybe tolerance. It adds nothing to the human race. As individuals Gays add to our society, but not homosexuality.”

Our societies are under no obligation to only embrace things that “add to the human race”. I could name many things that don’t do that, starting with many recreational activities. On the contrary, a government’s job is to facilitate its citizens living their lives with as little interference as possible, only limiting one person’s rights where they infringe upon another’s.

Answer #2

Im very upset about it. People think that just because Obama won, the worlds becoming a less discriminating place. Well, look at proposition 8. That’s so upsetting, religion and politics SHOULD NOT MIX! Its like mentos in pepsi, they’ll explode when put together. Gay people deserve the same rights as everyone. Im very mad…

Answer #3

The majority of the people spoke - obviously supporting marriage should be between a man and a woman - not popular today but no less in their view, a sacred / morally very important institutition not to be disbanded.

Yes… so sacred and morally important, that 1 in 2 marriages FAIL.

Answer #4

It annoys me to no end that same sex couples in California can’t marry. Another fine example of intolerance of homosexuality.

Love knows no colour, creed, race, religion, or sexuality.

Answer #5

im glad, the Bible says marriage should be between one man and one women not between two women or two men so im sooo gald it passed but I was also very suprised still cant get over it!

Answer #6

The majority of the people spoke - obviously supporting marriage should be between a man and a woman - not popular today but no less in their view, a sacred / morally very important institutition not to be disbanded.

Answer #7

I think that it is unfortunate that some people feel that everyone should not be treated equally. Everyone should have the same rights. There is no reason to ban same-sex marriage.

Answer #8

Prop 8 passed, and that is too bad. However, it will not go away, and gay marriage will be brought up again…and again…The fact that it’s being talked about openly, by many, will make the “subject” become so much a part of the mainstream, that eventually the shoackability…the steadfast nay sayers will give up and the young voters, and the open minded voters will get it thru…it’s simply a process…gay marriage is well on the way to being legal.


Answer #9

Disappointed. Apparently California is supposed to be possibly the most progressive state in the union

I think my disappointment stems not so much from the debate on whether marriage is “traditionally” between a man and a woman. Rather, Im appalled that there are already so many gay marriages in California, yet they still went ahead to ban gay marriage. Its like marrying some girl you fancy, then finding out a year later that your parents suddenly decided to force you to leave her

Answer #10

I’m pissed it passed… I really really am. I’m personally straight, but I support gay/bi people. Gays have every right to get married. All they want is to be treated equally, just like the rest of us. They should have the same rights as everyone else. Banning them from getting married is completely ridiculous. It sickens me to know that so many people out there apparently have an issue with gay people. You know what haters - they’re people with feelings JUST LIKE YOU!

Answer #11

Lex said it best. Prop 8 should have been voted down and I might add that in response to

“sacred / morally very important institutition not to be disbanded”

There is nothing about allowing homosexuals to marry that would disband heterosexual marriage.

And if you feel marriage is so very sacred and moral are you protesting the many tv shows that make a mockery of marriage?

Answer #12

A women I work with just went to CA. to get married. It is all strange to me because once they came home here to Va. it is not recognized. this means they can’t claim together on taxes or anything. Anyway weither I agree or disagree with same sex partners, I really think they should have the same rights as everyone else. I would however understand if they could not get married in a church.

Answer #13

“Our societies are under no obligation to only embrace things that “add to the human race”. I could name many things that don’t do that, starting with many recreational activities. On the contrary, a government’s job is to facilitate its citizens living their lives with as little interference as possible, only limiting one person’s rights where they infringe upon another’s.”

Exactly arachnid, and I have yet to hear any logical, non-theological reason as to how gays marrying adversely affects anyone else. It is simply fear and bigotry that drives the opposition.

Answer #14

im REALLY pissed that it passed. what is wrong with people? why cant christans mind their own bussiness its not hurting them. why shouldnt gays have the same rights. our country discriminated agaisnt african americans before and were doing it again this time with gays. were not supposed to mix politics with religions and everyone knows this really was doing that.

and for everyone that says “ the bible says its between a man and women” FYI not every one is christan so dont mix your religion rules into the law for everyone else to follow

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