What do you miss most about your really young years (read more)?

I mean like.. 1-12 ages. And if you could go back and change something…anything..would you?

Answer #1

the things I miss most about being young are: first I miss having no responsibility and nothing to worry about, if I could go back there is a lot of things that I would do differently, such as making sure that I have a plan career wise. I would also take more control of my own life not being independent but making certain decision for myself and not just listen to what people tell me to do.

Answer #2

I think I would go back to the day when I said tto myself: “Drgus can’t be that bad, you’ll make it” and slap myself really hard in the face.

Answer #3

I miss not having to pay bills. But there are a lot of things I dont miss about being that age. If I could go back I would be less concerned with what other people thought of me - if I had not let it bother me then I would have saved myself a lot of grief.

Answer #4

I miss being young and innocent and not having big responsibilities. Although I don’t miss the violence that went on in my household when I was little, which happens to a lot of kids and the sad things is, because they’re so small they can’t do much about it. And if I could change anything about my childhood it would be my father.

Answer #5

I miss the days when friends weren’t labels, you didn’t care who was gay etc you just played together on the playground

Answer #6

I miss my grandparents and Hungary. I moved to Canada when I was 8, and my grandparents passed away by then. I wouldn’t change a thing, I remember a lot. From the scenery of the city, going to elementary school and playing by the mountain side at my grandmother’s.

THAT is when I was truly happy.

Answer #7

I miss not having to worry about all the things I do now, and how no one judged you for being who you are cause your young. I miss how no one cared who they talked or played games with cause no child cared if you were gay or straight , or what colour you were. I miss taking naps in kindergarten and how fearless I used to be. Theres a lot to miss but theres also a few things I don’t miss at all.

Answer #8

Having Family Fridays. When my mom was alive she and my dad would be sober for that one day and we would go to the movies or play a board game etc. My mom and I would make cookies and we would all order out for dinner. It was a day of NO FIGHTING what so ever. We would laugh and have a great time. Those were the days I wish would NEVER end. I still try to do it with my younger brothers but with sports and two of us working it tends to get really hard. So we try to do it on Monday.

Answer #9

I miss childhood Christmas. My parents were both very poor during the depression so they were always very frugal so we didn’t shop at nice stores, go out to eat except a few times a year for special occasions, go out to movies, we got a lot of our food from our garden, we drank powdered milk etc.. The one thing they went all out for was Christmas. Our Christmases were worthy of Monte Hall.

Answer #10

No responsibility for anything

Answer #11

Well for me i wouldn’t want to be 12 again i had to grow up fast never really had fun or play dates.

Answer #12

i miss that the world seemed so innocent and fun the only thing your worryed about was having no one to play with at reccess, that getting high when how far you could get off the ground. No one cared about race,sexuality or streotypes. you would come home and jump into your parents arms and be happy and tell them about a fun game you played with your friends on the playground. i miss the world of imagenation and fun.

Answer #13

i miss that the world seemed so innocent and fun the only thing your worryed about was having no one to play with at reccess, that getting high when how far you could get off the ground. No one cared about race,sexuality or streotypes. you would come home and jump into your parents arms and be happy and tell them about a fun game you played with your friends on the playground. i miss the world of imagenation and fun.

Answer #14

i miss that the world seemed so innocent and fun the only thing your worryed about was having no one to play with at reccess, that getting high when how far you could get off the ground. No one cared about race,sexuality or streotypes. you would come home and jump into your parents arms and be happy and tell them about a fun game you played with your friends on the playground. i miss the world of imagenation and fun.

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