You belong with me by taylor swift

If you’ve never heard that song you wont know what I’m talking about but that is the relationship that I have with my best friend, only he likes my best girl friend. What should I do?

Answer #1

be there for him, be as sweet as ever. he will probly figure it out if your friend is anything like the mean girl from the video. btw, I fell in love with that song. I like her songs

Answer #2

Hmm.. thats a hard one, sweetie. I have totally been there, and you know that they’re not right for each other but you can’t tell them that because you will look like a b*tch right? Mmm.. well just be there for him after he is done with this girl maybe try telling him how you feel after all when you tell him how you feel a lot of weight is lifted off of your shoulders.

Answer #3

unfortunatly she’s not like the mean girl from the video she actually lives out of town and they only talk on msn but he still really likes her but he’s also miserable, because they don’t see each other very often , and I have to deal with all the time he spends talking about her to me! and it really is just annoying so I need advice badly!

Answer #4

what if he thinks its too awkward after and doesn’t ant to be friends?

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