Why would you want to be wiccan?

I’m not trying to be mean but what would make someone want to be a wiccan…or just practice magic? Doesnt life have enough magic in it without learning the dark? why do people turn away from god and the bible? Can anyone answer my questions fully without being disrespectful to my beliefs?

Answer #1

Wiccan is a nice religion.

Why would you turn to the Bible, it seems more like the work of the character Satan.

Answer #2

wicca has nothing to do with “dark” magic wiccans dont beielve in the christian “god” and how can you expect any respect for what you beleive in if you dont respect what other peoples beleifs

Answer #3

A lot of people don’t believe in the Bible or its god. So for those people who feel like they need some kind of religion anyway, but don’t want to have to stifle their humanity or to ‘follow’, Wicca is not a terrible choice, since it’s one of the few modern religions that neither organized nor ascetic.

Answer #4

And I’m sorry but, magic doesn’t exist.

If it did, it would be more widely ‘accepted’ and above all…used.

If (and correct me if I’m wrong) the wiccan ‘way’ is to praise nature and use nature and whatnot, I could understand that, as you’re believing in something just like everyone else..but magic is just foolish.

Answer #5

I respect your beliefs, but I seriously recommend you do a little research before you make judgments.

You obviously know nothing of Wicca, and your statement proves your ignorance.

As for your other question - people “turn away” from God because there is a failure to prove he exists.

Answer #6

These people are the guys in your high school that wanted to be different so they shopped at hot topic and listened to slipknot. they are really just reaching for new ways to be different and freak people out.

Answer #7

I can. People want to be wiccan for the most part because it is a spiritual adventure. Wiccans recognize the god and goddess much like you recognize you’re god. We try to help people and not harm. I’m not being mean but the cathloc and christan misconception is that Magick is evil. That is not true. Yes, life has magick in it and that is what wiccans are finding and using

Answer #8

“Magic does not exist ! I am sorry not trying to be rude . I am just a very firm believer and I will not be turned to magic and as one of the people before me said if magic existed then why does it not talk about it in the Bible?or why isn’t it used and why do the people who use it seem to be sad? “

That is being very rude. That’s like saying prayer doesn’t exist. Magic just attempts to create a positive result in one’s mind to manifest it in reality through their connection to the universe. Be turned to magic? That’s absurd. Magic isn’t a religion. The bible doesn’t talk about a lot of things. The Bible is just a selection of stories that the church chooses to tell their followers. Magic IS used. People who use magic aren’t sad. That’s stereotyping. That’s like saying all Christians are ignorant.

Answer #9

I would not want to be a wiccan because they worship the creation (Mother Earth/Gaia/gods/goddesses/etc and they fall short of worshiping the true and living God!

Actually infolic They worship the earrth, yes but also the Goddess & God or even Gods & Goddesses I’ld not want to be Christain because they get their morals & beliefs from an out dates book claimed to be holy that has more macabre than any other book I’e read(& I’m Goth mind you)

Answer #10

what I dont get is that every one said wiccans are evil but if you think about it were the most peacefull religion

muslims bomb people

and earlier christians killed people because they wernt christans

Answer #11

Magic does not exist ! I am sorry not trying to be rude . I am just a very firm believer and I will not be turned to magic and as one of the people before me said if magic existed then why does it not talk about it in the Bible?or why isn’t it used and why do the people who use it seem to be sad?

Answer #12

They don’t really firmly believe in magic They believe in Goddesses and Gods and praises nature, just like other believe in God It’s not dark since its not like they’re putting curses on other people

There’s some rituals that they do to praise their gods and goddesses, just like how other go to church every sunday to show their dedication to their God

They do believe they can cast spells to protect their loved ones or help them get with a person they love, just like how other people pray to God for happiness and safety of loved ones

But then I’ve learned about wicca from my friend who practices it, so I don’t know much about it myself lol

But I think we should respect and be open-minded about someone’s religious preference and just because they don’t believe in something that you do doesn’t mean its dark, negative or stupid

Answer #13

Wiccans and Pagans don’t really believe in Satan. So, what you’re doesn’t make sense, as how can you be worshipping something you don’t believe exists?

If you feel Wiccans and Pagans have been blinded by Satan - keep it to yourself. I’m sure they don’t want to hear it again and again.

Answer #14

In my experience, many of those who become Wiccan do do because they feel that the Abrahamic God is too small and human-like to be responsible for all the wonder in the world. By that I mean that he’s too much like a grumpy uncle than an all-powerful life force.

Many of wiccans are attracted by the now (remember this is a young religion) widely accepted conception that there is the Diety/ the divine. This divine is thought of as divided into opposites such as male and female, life and death, destruction and creation rather than good vs evil. Balance is the key. Wiccans are polytheistic, but recognise all goddesses and gods as aspects of the same divine creator. They don’t believe in a primal good and evil, but that these things come from us. That’s a scary thought because it requires a very high degree of personal morality. That’s why all beginner Wiccan books bang on about “an harm ye none,” ie have you really thought your actions through?

Wicca is also a nature religion in that it stresses the interconnectedness of all things and many find great solace in this.

Magic is really a completely separate thing. One either believes in it or doesn’t and if one believes in it one either comes from a culture where it’s accepted or censured. Magic happens to be a fairy large component of Wicca, but it is not it’s raison d’etre. I think you’ll find that a large percentage of Christians practice magic too, only it’s not that widely talked about. Magic is driven by the same impulse that drives science, the need to feel in control of our destinies.

To my way of thinking people are either religious or not. Try reading Mircea Eliade’s “The Sacred and the Profane,” and you’ll see what I mean. Anyway, one of the best resources on Wicca out there is “wicca for the rest of us” which is well worth a google.

Answer #15

I became Wiccan because it felt like it was the right path for me. The bible didn’t click at all with me. When I went to church with my Mom a year ago I thought it was a load of crap with what they were talking about out of the bible. “no offense” But anothering thinng is, Wicca isn’t a dark religion at all! And people are deffininetly not sad when they are Wiccan. I never turned away from god either since I never believed in him. And if you think Wicca is about putting hexes on people and worshipping the devil, then you should educate yourself more.

Answer #16

I would not want to be a wiccan because they worship the creation (Mother Earth/Gaia/gods/goddesses/etc and they fall short of worshiping the true and living God!

God has given so much evidence in many ways (prophecies/changed lives/archeological/historical//2nd law of thermodynamics/etc but rebellious people continually reject Him wholesale! That is without checking it out for themselves OR they use biased sources and continue in darkness!

Being a wiccan may seem appealing to some, but why worship that which is self-centered/deceptive/empty/false when the real God is trying to get your attention.

Lastly, how can “energies” be cast or summoned if they don’t have intelligence? Truly they are not “energies” at all! They have personality and they are demons. Unfortunately, many people are dead inside and their eyes are blinded by the enemy or Satan to the true God.

Literal satanists are honest in that they acknowledge a real satan/demons. Wiccans and others deny satan/hell/true God’s existence.

Christians have the best of both worlds because we know the truth from God’s eternal perspective and we can see the evidence of satanic deception too!

“If you don’t believe in the laws of gravity, then you better not walk off a cliff!”

                                                                                                       A wise man
Answer #17

The bible is one of the most malevolent books in existence! The idea of a loving biblical God is rather quite new. Wicca, no I wouldn’t want to be a Wiccan, but I am a witch. It’s more tangible than Christianity, that much is for sure. There’s nothing evil about it, as for it being dark it depends what kind of magick the person practices. Wiccans can not practice dark magick, fyi. & Wiccans don’t turn from God, they have their own, some are brought this way, in that matter I don’t see how one can turn from something they never believed in. As for me, I turned away from it(yes I was a Christian) because the bible contradicts itself, is malevolent, & is really nothing more than a fantasy book, not even interesting really. They’re so closed minded & it’s either their way or they just put on their blinders if something comes about that they don’t believe in. The bible has been translated from many different languages & interpreted in so many different ways that the true morals have become lost & the original sotries blown out of proportion. I see no reason why I should believe in it anyway’s. Jesus didn’t write it. The original bible wasn’t even written in the same language Jesus spoke. Who is to say it’s the true word of God? You? Some hypocritical raspiest preacher? It’s not Good enough for me. “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.” – Susan B. Anthony I’ld rather keep up with logic & things that are tangible. I turned to witchcraft awhile ago & found it quite compatible with such. Rather than reject science like Christians you’re able to embrace it. Unlike Christianity it’s not all about faith either. as I stated, it’s more tangible. As Friedrich Nietzsche stated “Faith means not wanting to know what is true.”. & even if it were all about faith, atleast that one would be moe of a open minded & truly loving belief system than Christianity, that’s for sure.

Answer #18

um to the person that called me ignorant…ignorance is pretending to know something about something you know nothing about or about making an incorrect decision…I believe that since I professed not to know anything about wicca when I posted the question that I have proven the fact that I am not ignorant…some people say ignorance is bliss because to know nothing means that you dont have to face reality…and you cant not face reality by asking questions…so if you would be so kind, please dont insult me again and explain wicca to me…that is what I would do for someone if I thought they needed, wanted, or could gain something from knowledge I could explain to them. thanks for the insult my sincerest apologies that I am not brighter

Answer #19

Hiya, I am Wicca and I was Jewish but converted. We basically had the same holy book, without the New Testament and I just had problems believing the things in it. Also it was like I found Wicca and I couldn’t go back because it didn’t FEEL right.

Answer #20

U miss the point. We haven’t turned from God. We don’t believe he exist.

You missunderstand wicca. Here

Wicca is an earth based religion that worships the Gods and Goddess as well as the cycles of the earth and balance. Except good and evil we believe that these are man made concepts and don’t exist in nature .

Wiccans do use magic but its not necessary. Wicca is a religion and witchcraft is the use of magick. We believe in no harm done meaning we do nothing magick or otherwise with the intent of harm. We also believe in the rule of 3 which means that what ever you do ,good or bad with magick or not , comes back to you x3. This is also known as Karma. Anyone that tells you they can escape or stop the rule of 3 or karma is lying to you and themselves.

We don’t follow any doctrine such as the bible, but there is somethings that a good wiccan should know like: the Wiccan Rede, 13 goals, general beliefs, Charge of the God and the Charge of the Goddess… We have 8 sabots a year that are in tune with the cycles of the earth such as the solstice, and equinox. These focus on the God while the esabbats new and or full moons, focus on the Goddess.

We use tools like: athames (ritual knifes), wands, pentacles, ect.. to draw and direct energy. These are only tools and a representation of energy. Since we as humans can’t hold pure energy these, along with symbols, help us use energies.

There are many different types of wiccans. Such as Traditional, eceletic, solitary, coven. Traditional is usually in a coven with strict rules such as Alexandrian or Gardener. Eceletic is one that doesn’t follow any coven rules they find what works for them and incorporated that and kinda make there own magic. A solitary works usually alone as opposed to a coven that works together. However sometimes they may work with other solitaries or gather to celebrate a Sabbath. My Book of shadows is pretty extensive form the things I mentioned to herb and incense guide, astrological calendar, spells, divination tarot, runes, omens, palm reading, astronomy, experiences, writings, dream journal, what I call an archive sections with letters from people in my past, a news paper article with my dad being a hero in it and an auto bio form my great great uncle. and more. Its took me a long time to develop it. It got so big I had to but it in a 100CD case and still had to put some of it into a separate binder. Your book of shadows could be a simple note book to a normal binder. I keep all the papers in paper protectors to preserve them.

Traditional it takes a year and a day of study before initiation. For coven members they are usually assigned a mentor to teach them. General they are not permitted to cast spells but are allowed to observe the coven and celebrate on Sabbath. After a year and a day if the mentor and other members of the coven think he/she is ready they will perform an initiation ceremony and they will be welcomed into the coven. Initiation however dose take a coven. Self initiation are commonly know as dedication. This is here you dedication yourself to a God or Goddess or even the belief its self. This is a judgment call on your part. Aging a year and a day is traditional but this is your journey and if you feel you need more time that’s okay too. A solitary can study by reading everything they can, or maybe finding another that is willing to be a mentor.

Most of all we don’t worship Satan or put hexes on people. We are a peaceful people. Anymore questions e-mail me. Blessed Be

Answer #21

learning the dark? its not dark, and im trying not to be disrespectful here. I am a 37 yr. old Wiccan, and nothing I do here is dark. Wiccan is living in harmony with nature. I say that magic is real, wiccan is not dark, and the reason you would want to be Wiccan, or practice magic is trying to live in harmony with everything, but not get discrimiated for our belifs. I spelled I a lot wrong, I think, and im sorry about that.

Answer #22

Wicca isn’t dark. Sorry, but I have to say that although you said ‘not trying to be mean’ I think you are being mean, so let people choose their own way. Maybe christianity wasn’t right for them.. You’ll never know until you ask, instead of being insulting.

Answer #23

no offence or disrespect for anybody, I belive everyone is entitled to their owns opinions and in mine, I don’t believe in god but I do believe in a higher power. I have never been interested in the bible or religion but have always been intregued by the supernatural and spiritual side of life. I don’t know if any of it is true, but nobody has proof to say there isn’t so why can’t everyone belive in a little bit of magic, after all a lot of poeple could use it. And by the way who ever said magic was dark? after all it could be what evryone needs. like I said everyone has their owns opinions. x

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