Why when I tried my best, he went away?

I have been growing in a spiritual family and I have tried my best to keep up with it. I pray everyday abut these day I have not felt a need of doing so. I really feel bad when God is not near to me! what will help me improve this? I know my sins keep me away but damn its hard for me to leave God on a side! help me please!!!

Answer #1

thanks. I will try it!

Answer #2

to quote Dave Andrews fom his book ‘Not Religion But Love’ “Being a devotee of Jesus is not a matter of subscribing to a certain set of dogmas, obeying rules and regulations, and getting others to subordinate themselves to them. The essence of being a devotee of Jesus is to live in sympathy with God as Jesus did; feeling the throb of God’s heartbeat, and teaching our hearts to learn to beat in sync with the love that sustains the universe. It means developing our capacity to sense intuitively what causes love pleasure, and what causes love pain, and doing everything we can to enhance the pleasure, and diminish the pain.”

don’t get to caught up in the supposed rules of religeion.. it’s relationship God wants not subordination. There is absolutely nothing you can do to be clean and earn Gods forgiveness. Jesus himself said it is impossible. it is only through Gods Mercy and his loving forgivness that we are saved. Just talk to God, start writing down exactly what you’re struggling with and ask him for help.

Answer #3

You know, you can read your bible everyday even at least just 10 minutes or something. and on you spare times, you can sing songs about Him that you like. and you can get more involved at church activities. But most of all, stay to have faith in Him and ask Him what’s His will for you.

Answer #4

hay there nothing wrong believing in god, I down t go to church but I still believe in god and don t let people tell you whet you need or do its all in the <3

Answer #5

Sometimes their is a lot of pressure with going to church and praying. But their is different ways you can devot yourself to god. I dont go to church, but I do pray to myself at home.

If you dont feel you should prey at all times its not a big deal, as long as you know in your heart that you love him and your trying to do the best by him. God gives eveyone challenges and obstiicals to overcome.

Answer #6

God is and has always been by your side, even in the times when it doesnt feel like it he is so close, holding your hand and telling you to not fear. He has not left you, and will always be your Father. You cannot be in relationship with religion, you must be in relationship with God. So when you pray, or do anything, make sure its the sound of God’s voice in your heart that you hear, not rules and regulations that you feel you must follow.

Answer #7

I would like to remind you that you never really talk to yourself or think to yourself. Your thoughts go strait to the ears of God. He is always with you. The only thing that can truly seperate you is not believing in him and accepting the gift he gave for you. It sounds as if you have made this descision already. So there you go, you dont necessarily have to kneel and say our father, though it helps if you dont know what to say, thrust me…just talk to him as you would any friend or family member. You dont have to speak aloud either. Or, you could write to him. Some find that easier. I pray when I walk or when I am cooking or cleaning. But I pray mostly just before bed, because I always go to bed eventually.

Answer #8

From a Light Bearer,first you must give up Sin completely you must live at Jesus feet,feel in your heart what is right and live by it for the rest of your life.Thing’s well change like over night,you must not blame yourself for other people fault’s,give yourself to Jesus,you well change and be saved. Note:I’m still learning myself and I still Sin and I will to have to pull the wood out of my eye aswell before I can really help,it is hard I know,may Jesus be with you my friend.Look up Web site “whatshallido.org” for other help.

Answer #9

When you find yourself acting against what you profess to believe, it’s a sign of an internal struggle. Part of you does not actually believe what you say you believe, yet you want to believe. This is normal, and it’s part of maturing in your outlook on life.

So how do you resolve it? Do you just keep fighting and hope that eventually you’ll fully convince yourself of what you want to believe? That might work. It might not. But either way, you’ll always have a nagging feeling in the back of your mind.

The way to be certain, is to stop trying to believe, and try instead to find the truth. With an honest quest for the objective truth, you will always rest easy knowing that you’re doing your best even if you haven’t figured it all out.

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