Why is McCain giving up on Michigan? (ALREADY)

McCain stopped his campaigning recently in Michigan. (thank the lord) I’m just wondering why he would do that? (Although, not complaining)

Is it because he has no chance to win Michigan? (There are FAR more Obama/Biden signs in peoples front yards than McCain/Palin signs.)

Answer #1

“Actually filletofspam. Michigan voters are already leaning towards Obama/biden. We’re a light blue color.”

I think filetofspam was just saying that McCain thought he had a chance earlier, not that he does now.

Answer #2

McCain is exercising his leadership skill by allocating effort and finances to where they can do the most good. Some states are traditionally Democratic where others are traditionally Republican. It is most productive to focus effort and resources on Swing states where margins are closer.

Leevan, it demonstrates a lack of maturity to generalize. Just because you’ve seen a couple of pro McCain posts mention religion doesn’t mean that ALL of us do.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #3

“Because MCCaine knows that our state of Michigan is too democratic and very liberal. Yes, there are allot of Obama/Biden signs in peoples front yards unfortunately. Half of me thinks MCCaine isn’t going to win Michigan which is my biggest fear. But, then, I just have to trust in Heavenly father that whoever wins this election, it might be for the better, or it might not. If Obama wins, maybe that’s what the Lord wants. He’s testing us. But, if MCCaine wins, it’ll be for the better.”

Oh dear, why does every McCain voter need to talk about religion

Answer #4

Candidates spend money where they think it will do the most good. If Michigan is a lost cause for McCain than why waste his time and money campaigning?

Being from Michigan I keep up with the news there a bit and earlier they were saying that McCain had a chance of winning. The unpopularity of Democratic Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm has made Michigan voters more receptive to Republican candidates.

Answer #5

Actually filletofspam. Michigan voters are already leaning towards Obama/biden. We’re a light blue color.

Not since 1988 has a Republican presidential candidate carried the state, and only one Republican has represented Michigan in the U.S. Senate since 1980.

I LIVE in Michigan. I think he’s pulling out because he knows he’s wasting his time, and yes, money. He knows that he’s lost Michigan. Which is one of the states he needed to win. I don’t think he has a chance to win, at all.

So, Hooray!

I hate how christians always refer to everything in “gods way” I’m pretty sure god has more things to think about than America’s election.

And just because you’re republican doesn’t mean god is!



Answer #6

Because MCCaine knows that our state of Michigan is too democratic and very liberal. Yes, there are allot of Obama/Biden signs in peoples front yards unfortunately. Half of me thinks MCCaine isn’t going to win Michigan which is my biggest fear. But, then, I just have to trust in Heavenly father that whoever wins this election, it might be for the better, or it might not. If Obama wins, maybe that’s what the Lord wants. He’s testing us. But, if MCCaine wins, it’ll be for the better.

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