Why is my skin between vagina and anus has ruptured?

My skin between vagina and anus is ruptured and I really afraid its gonna cause a problem but I cant tell anyone or see a doctor so I want to know if someone had it too…I have a hemorrhoid for years and may be this is the cause :S I havent had sexual intercourse and I dont know if its gonna rupture or damage my hymen so help please…thanx!

Answer #1

Oh honey, you have to tell your mom…who may take you to a Dr., depending on what she decides. I’m sure it’s not ‘ruptured”…it can tear during childbrith, but I don’t think you’ve done anything quite so streneous as to tear it. It certainly has nothing to do with your hymen, either. It may just be a hemorrhoid…but just knowing would relieve your mind.


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