Darkening of the vagina?

My vagina lips are darkening.. I’m hispanic but I’m really light skin.. Not pale but close to it.. And my vagina has always been the same color or my skin.. But a couple months ago I noticed that it was getting darker.. I have a boyfriend of a year and 5 months, me and him have sex pretty often and I’ve had sex with my 2 last boyfriends.. Does my vagina lips getting darker have anything to do with sex or what is it ? Is it bad?

Answer #1

That is just another part of being a woman. At randoms times the area around the vagina, anus and nipples can become dark. Sometimes it stays that way other times it doesn’t.

For me it just changes with my hormones. It’s rarely anything bad or dangerous, if you don’t like it you can buy special skin bleach for it.

Answer #2

Okay hunnie what I do I have the same prop but like I shave mine and then it gets darker but it changes lighter And lighter I don’t know my whole body color changes to tell you the truth haha lol. But for real maybe it’s not them

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