Why is mom making me take this 5-year pill?

Okay, my mom had me that meer(or mear) age of 16 and my grandma had her at 13. So, out of nowhere, on my fifteenth birthday, she tells me over Spring Break that’s she making me, or else she’s goanna kick me out, go the doctors and make them plant something inside of me so I can’t have the ability to have kids for five years. Yeah. LIKE SHE HAS THE MONEY, ANYWAYS! But, don’t I have some say-so? I mean…where did this even come from?! What if the thing works for longer than 5 years and I can’t have children at all?! Why would she say something out the blue like that? Anyone got any ideas? -Ravie

Answer #1

I think this is a little, how to put it, violet of your mother. Why go through such a large (and most possible expensive) procedure, when you just can get on the pill. Of course there’s the risk of you forgetting to take them and they are “only” 99% secure, but they’re not expensive (at least not where I come from) and they’re a good way of protecting oneself from pregnancy.

I understand completely why you’re feeling so insecure about it, I’d be pissed if my mom said that (she had 2 kids before se was 20 so she’s no better than your mom), but there has never been a problem. I started on the pill after I lost my virginity. Perhaps you can talk your mother into a deal like that. That you’ll start on the pill once you start going out with guys that you care about enough to let them touch you that way.

Answer #2

tell her that you wanna tak the pill instead I mean if your scared you cant have kids tell your mom you want the pill I mean its less $$ && it works but I mean it works 99.9% of the time but heyy tell your mom you dont because you want kids iin your futher it it might not be there 4 5 years your scared you cant have them

Answer #3

im 15 also soo.. okayy I thinkiyou should tell your mom that you should just go on the pill. cause its easier than that and its not that much money. granted you can forget to take it but im on it right now and as long as you take it at the same time every day I dont think you will have a problem remembering to take them. My mom was totally fine with me taking it because its a good idea to have it. I think you should have some say in this. If I were you I would just talk to your mom about this.

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