Why don't employers reply to my job applications?

I’ve applied for many jobs that were looking for part-time staff, as I need work experience. I’ve never had a job before. My CV looks good and I appear confident when asking for info at the counters but the employers NEVER get back to me. They just ignore me and hire other people. How am I supposed to get work experience when nobody ever hires me?!

Answer #1

I would call the manager to see if they’ve had a chance to review my application - often if they see you really want that job they respond positive - just be polite/courteous…Good luck !!

Answer #2

I agree with sleepy417, go back to the business after a few days, DO NOT CALL only because some people are annoyed by phone calls and some employers look down on that. I’ve been in management before, thats how I know.( ONLY call to find out when the hiring manager will be available for a job interview). Always, politely ask for the manager and be patient. If they tell you to have a seat until the manager can meet with you, sit down, but when the manager is approaching you stand up and reach out your hand for a handshake (especially if the employer is a man), firmly shake their hand (if it’s a man squeeze hard when you shake their hand) . Smile politely before you answer each question, it makes you seem like you would be happy to work there. Make your resume or application as neat as possible, get someone else to fill it out if you have to. Don’t fill it out on the counter (unless they tell you to), leave and then bring it back. If the manager says they are to busy to talk to you, apologize for the inconvieniance and ask when would be a better time that you can come back. MAKE SURE TO ASK FOR A CERTAIN TIME, that way they have to talk to you. Trust me honey, I kick butt when it comes to job interviews! I’ve never been turned down.

Answer #3

Companies have no honor nowadays. they use you like toilet tissue. they don’t care if you are a person in need of an income. they only reply if they need to use you. You are replaceable no matter how much school or experience you have. Not even if you have worked there for 25 years. they never tell you the truth in school that you can’t just be what you want to be. you can’t make a living at that. No one needs manual labor any more. they don’t care about your dreams. just that you take less cash and can be on call when they want to use you. the same is they don’t reply because it would take precious time to acknowledge that you made any kind of effort. waste of paper and phone bills. The only jobs I ever got hired on to were walk-ins; “can you start now?” hell yeah!

Answer #4

thats how they all do it, I know its frustrating. the best way is speak with a manager directly a few days after turning in your application and just say you wanted to know if they got a chance to look it over. They may not have, but when they go through the pile they might remember your conversation and look at your appl. more closely. also the best way to get a job is through someone you know. for example when I was young I got a job at kmart because the lady I babysat for worked there and she knew of an opening. I got a job at another place because a neighbor was a supervisor there. hope this helps

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