Why does Super Delegate exist ?

A friend of mine asked me this question I didn’t know the answer to, need help: They said ‘Super Delegate’ idea was conceived in the first place to overrule the voters. Why else would they exist?

Answer #1

“The Democratic Party established this system in part in response to the nomination of George McGovern in 1972. McGovern took only one state and had only 37.5 percent of the popular vote. Then in 1976, Jimmy Carter was a dark-horse candidate with little national experience. Super-delegates were implemented in 1984.

Super-delegates are designed to act as a check on ideologically extreme or inexperienced candidates. It also gives power to people who have a vested interested in party policies: elected leaders. Because the primary and caucus voters do not have to be active members of the party (in New Hampshire they can sign up and sign out going-and-coming at the polls), the super-delegate system has been called a safety-value.”

Source: about.com

Answer #2

I really don’t know what else they do but I do know they can choose either party withot giving a reason why..

Answer #3

Because there is an American wisdom which anticipates the fact that a bottle falling from the tenth floor may not explode if you put a mattress on the ground. Elaborated political philosophy.

Answer #4

As editor said, they were create as a response to McGovern and Carter. It was meant as a means of allowing the party to step in, in case the people voted for an non-vialbe candidate.

To bring it into context today, Obama is more than a viable candidate, so Hillary looking for them to overturn the will of the people, is going against the reason superdelagetes were created in the first place.

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