Why do some democrats think socialism is good

I would think the name democrat inplies their beliefs are for democracy but its weird I’ve seen democrats say socialism is good but why is it?

Answer #1


“in socalism nobody is rich and nobody is poor. there isnt a guy with a golden toilet but the family down the street cant afford food.”

That is only true in Communism.

  Philosophy Dictionary: socialism

Political system in which the (major) means of production are not in private or institutional hands, but under social control. Typically this is seen as one aspect of a more general concern for people’s equal rights to various benefits (health, education), and of a concern to limit the inequalities of wealth and power produced by the unrestricted operations of market forces. Socialism avoids the totalitarian implications of communism, and works within liberal democratic constitutions.

The modern Democratic Party generally supports a strong federal government with powers to regulate business and industry in the public interest; federally financed social services and benefits for the poor, the unemployed, the aged, and other groups; and the protection of civil rights.

    I hope you do not take offense,
    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #2


“Just look how well Medicare runs compared to private insurance.”

That’s a bad example. Ask all the people on Medicare who who can’t find a doctor who will accept Medicare.

Answer #3

heres the point im going to make im not going to give you proof I did not record the guy saying it so I cant show it was a observation so please just give your opinion and move on I dont get why you need proof answer that please ty for your input

Answer #4

Not exactly sure what you are trying to prove?

Your first link is wrong. It is newsmax, not newsman. And newsmax is nothing but a right wing propaganda site. I give it no creedance whatsoever.

And the other link is just a right-wing blog.

If you think this is proof, you need to start getting your info from more reputable sources.

Answer #6

you keep asking all these questions claiming democrats do this or liberals do that and you never have any sort of source of base for what you are claiming.

Answer #7

in socalism nobody is rich and nobody is poor. there isnt a guy with a golden toilet but the family down the street cant afford food. and the government can actually cap prices like gas for example. as of now because of the so called free market prices of anything can go as high as the company wants.

Answer #8

these are questions if its not true then say so but im not claiming it is true thats why its a question its called conversation finding understanding coming out of ignorance into knowledge please if you have nothing to help in the conversation then dont say anything even just saying your wrong is better then saying what you just said Blerggher

Answer #9

I didn’t ask for proof, you just provided, and I gave my opinion of that “proof”.

Answer #10

The point was a observation it was not to convince you one way or another and its not a rant im pointing out something I wish to discuss also what point would there be in having proof if it takes proof for honest debate or even discussion sure but I dont see how its so necessary to have proof. If I said bush wants to conquer the world proof would be necessary if I’m observing something its not really a matter of proving it the question is the point and the topic second I put some meaning Im saying it may not be held by the majority by saying some. Also Berggheer if it was wrong to say what I said im srry but I just wanted a open minded discussion not some diluted name calling and assumption that only proof is the way to have a debate

Answer #11

We already have some things that are socialized. Isn’t our military socialized? (although the way Bush has hired contractors, that isn’t as true anymore) Aren’t our schools socialized? Aren’t our police socialized? Aren’t our roads and bridges socialized? Aren’t our parks socialized? There are many things goverment can do better than the free market, despite claims from the right. Healthcare insurance is definately one of them. Just look how well Medicare runs compared to private insurance.

I believe in a balance between socialism and capitalism.

Answer #12

“I’ve seen democrats say socialism is good” that is a claim… A question for the sake of conversation has no implications… you are implying democrats have a certain belief, so you really do need to back it up with some evidence… Pointing out you have no proof and are simply ranting is a completely valid point… dont blame blerggher if you don’t have proof for the things you say…

Answer #13

no one government is good. it should be balenced,such is life.the reason socialism is appealing to some people is that you don’t have to compete to live a full life. Many people consider socialism a “handout system”,and to a certain degree that is true. However, handouts should not be given to everyone that asks for them. for example, say there is a woman who has 3 children solely based on wanting welefare. she gets the money but uses it to support a drug habit instead of taking care of her kids. on the flip side,say there is someone born with disabilities that is pursuing a college education. This person cannot afford her cost of living(aka medication+food and utilities) and her pursuit of education.in that case welefare is a much needed program.

  so while I think that a tottaly socialist society would be disasterous;socialism is definetly needed to stablize the tumultuousnature of capitalism.Hope this helped.

Cheers, Liam328

Answer #14

If you want proof so you can see what im talking about aparently this is the only way for it to become a topic of discussion there. I will try to improve the way I say this so my topics arnt thought of as rants instead of discussions

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