Why do people say this?!

Ok, I was wondering, after seeing a similar statement on this very site, I just had to ask…Why do homosexuals, among others (I’m not trying to single homosexuals out by this), say homosexuality “is genetic”? I always thought there was NOTHING in DNA that can influence BEHAVIOR…It IS certainly possible for someone who was raised in a gay home to be gay, but I believe that, in that case, it’s just what they learn is “ok”. Why can’t people just say that (homosexuality is a LEARNED BEHAVIOR PATTERN) rather than “It’s genetic”?! Don’t get me wrong, I’m NOT TRYING TO ATTACK HOMOSEXUALITY HERE, just REALLY ANNOYED that Science is being totally warped in statements like this. Thoughts, anyone?

Answer #1

it can be genetic.

Answer #2

Obviously genetics can influence behaviour: Genetics are what make us what we are. The difference between the temperament of a herbivore and a carnivore? Between a shy sheep and a confrontational moose? Genetics.

Yes, there’s a lot of nurture involved in setting behavioural traits, particularly in humans, but the evidence of the rest of the animal kingdom demonstrates that an awful lot of it is genetic, too.

There’s a lot of debate over how much of homosexuality is genetic, how much is developmental, and how much is social. Again, homosexuality in the animal kingdom pretty much debunks the theory that it’s all social; as does sociological evidence from human societies. Nobody’s identified a ‘gay gene’, however, and I think it’s unlikely anything so straightforward exists: Our sexual preferences are complex, and likely affected by many factors, most of which we have no choice over.

Answer #3

@ nikebabe: Can you back that claim up? Give me a link to an ACTUAL scientific website (and no pro- gay ones, I meant ones that are neutral on that subject.) ? What GENE causes homosexuality?

Answer #4

@ maggot4: Thanks, but I KNOW. What my question is, is “Why do some people say it’s genetic?”

Answer #5

I think it’s some of both. I believe there is a hormonal incidence or gene that can make someone attracted to the same-sex. However, I think the environment someone is in can either nurture that innate behavior, or completely shut it down.

Try reading this study:


Answer #6

@ maggot4: Wow, where’d all this info come from? All the same, that’s pretty interesting!

Answer #7

There is lots that could be said about this question.

Firstly it is not true that behavioural traits are not inherited. Anyone who knows anything at all about animal behaviour (for example) will recognise immediately that different species of animals behave in characteristically different ways that clearly have not been learned.

Secondly, any question that asks about the cause of homosexuality is really an expression of prejudice and homophobia. Why not ask about the cause of heterosexuality ? This is a condition which afflicts far more people and so is much more in need of an answer and a cure. The only scientific way of asking this question is to ask ‘what are the causes of human sexual behaviour generally’. If you ask that question you might find some interesting and enlightening answers.

Thirdly, the division of humanity into straights and gays is an aspect of sexual oppression. It is not something that stands up to even superficial scrutiny. Ever since the days of the Kinsey Report (1946) everyone has known that most people are bisexual to some degree. The numbers who are exclusively homo- or heterosexual are quite small. It is just that our oppressive society obliges people to conform to an artificial norm (pretend to be exclusively heterosexual) and labels those who rebel in a way that allows them to be punished in various social ways.

A possible reason why some people who identify themselves as gay say that it is innate or genetically determined is that it might seem convincing as a defensive response to moral condemnation - ‘If I was born gay, how can I be blamed for it ?’. But a more creative response is to reject the whole notion that one’s sexuality can be something that can be judged, let alone condemned by others - let them mind their own business - homophobia is a problem for the homophobe, not for they person they belittle !

Answer #8

Here is something I found:

If being gay was genetic why is the probability of being gay more likely when, you have a twin sister, the more older brothers ect… some factors of how much and what hormones you get. Also the physical difference between heterosexual and homosexual are all difference changed by hormones, (size of index finger, left-handed, anti clockwise hair curls, larger penis, ect.) If there was a gay gene it would be strange for it to survive not just in humans but in many other animals. and is there a bisexual gene as well and the would have to be a lesbian gene as well because it would not be the same.

Answer #9

You can’t be raised as a gay person nor be told to be gay,the only way you can be gay I know of is by knowing by yourself that your gay. It’s THERE decision to make nobody else’s.

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