Why do people hate Americans? and southerners?

Ok, I live in North Carolina in USA(East Coast). I went to London last week (great city) but I was called a ‘stupid american’ a few times. I’m kind and considerate of of peoples emotions. I’m not stupid, I’m very smart, I’m good at geology and many other stuff. Why does people hate america? We saved europa from destruction back in ww2 and we saved the pacific from the japanese at the same time.

Why do other americans look down upon the southern US. we are not stupid, I know we don’t use proper grammar. But, thats not a reason to look down on us. The southern US has SOME of most prestigious universities in all of the world.

Answer #1

I used to make some jokes about Americans when I was much younger, but after playing this online game I got to know a lot fo Americans who were very decent, nice and very smart people. That was years ago and I’m still young, I guess, but I hate it now when people do that. There is some generalness I don’t like about America but the people themselves are just normal living people.

On the reasons why people make so many stupid remarks about Americans, is largely to do with the amount of food consumption, especially fast food. Obesity is higher in certain, more known, areas of America and that triggers to a lot of people that the general American is stupid, which is obviously the wrong concept. Some people do it because of America’s self fame and that they hate. Others hate the war part, and maybe a touch of the proudness. However we British are just as proud of oursleves and yet I’ve never heard a single American call us stupid. So the factor must be a quality only America possess. Maybe people are jealous ;)

Answer #2

North Carolina isn’t even the south. Texas is the south. Thats why they call people stupid americans. cause you live on the east coast and call yourself the south.

Answer #3

I, personally, have no real issues with Americans…I know and respect very many of them.

If I may explain it as I see it though, America comes off as a bit of a ‘bully’, and…well…people don’t like bullies.

Answer #4

I know what you mean. we have been called ‘the police nation’. But somebody has to stop ‘evil’ nations from getting and using nukes

Answer #5

That’s just how some people are. They’re very ignorant…they didn’t know you, but they were quick to judge.. Personally, I have no problem with southerners.. my mom lives in Georgia.

Answer #6

Ya but sometimes we just need to keep our noses out of it. We aren’t the boss of the world. But I think a lot of the ‘stupid americans’ comes from the celeberaties because they are so well known and do some really stupid sh!t. But in a way stupid americans are kind of like stupid blonds. Its just something that people think though it doesnt mean it is true.

Answer #7

I’m from the N.C. Coast too and I have to admit that we don’t get it as bad as the rest of the state, like Gastonia or the Mtns. Most people are on vacation and couldn’t care less about us. Most of the time, they don’t know us from the tourists. We still get our share though. I’m disabled too. Can you imagine the looks I get?

Yes, people do think we’re stupid but why are you worried about what those people think? Ignore them if you can and you’ll be ahead of them.

Answer #8

oh just igonor people in england, we dont hate you, we just like calling people stupid, were horrid :P honestly, we call everyone stupid, and cause your american you get called a stupid american if you were chinese, it would be stupid chinese dont worry about it, english people are stupid :P most people dont actually feel that way anyway, they just say it when they get irritated for some reason alys

Answer #9

they dont look down on just southerners they look down on all americans because of george bush…they dont like that he declared war and that he stayed in iraq for so long even though there was no need since we already found the people in charge of causing 911…he stayed there for oil but it’ll get alittle better now that obama is trying to pull the troops out of iraq since theres no point of being there anymore.

Answer #10

Generally, if people do hate Americans, it’s either because of the media portrayal, which portrays Americans to be very obnoxious and cocky (and we do have some Americans in the limelight who are…) or because of bad experiences, such as with tourists. If people hate southerners, it’s because of the media portrayal once again, which exhibits southerners to lack intelligence and be racist. The uneducated, racist, and slow drawl part about southerners are most likely what bother other people who aren’t American and dislike Americans. I’m from Tennessee myself, so I know for a fact that the south is a wonderful place. America really is a great place, but it’s our education system and other sorts of things that have given us a bad reputation in the view of other countries.

Answer #11

Generally, if people do hate Americans, it’s either because of the media portrayal, which portrays Americans to be very obnoxious and cocky (and we do have some Americans in the limelight who are…) or because of bad experiences, such as with tourists. If people hate southerners, it’s because of the media portrayal once again, which exhibits southerners to lack intelligence and be racist. The uneducated, racist, and slow drawl part about southerners are most likely what bother other people who aren’t American and dislike Americans. I’m from Tennessee myself, so I know for a fact that the south is a wonderful place. America really is a great place, but it’s our education system and other sorts of things that have given us a bad reputation in the view of other countries.

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