Why do people think the Wiccan religion is bad?

Why do people think that the wiccan religion is bad?

Answer #1

Sometimes they are ignorent sometimes they fear the unknown. It probably goes against there religion too. I am a wiccan and I can tell you that there is no saintanism. How can you worship someone who doesn’t exist? It’s purely earth based

Answer #2

Frankly I didn’t know what it was till I just looked it up. It’s witchcraft. Like Voodoo or something. WITCHCRAFT IS BAD. You may as well say you worship satan.. Any religion that doesn’t uplift Jesus is just a religious waste of time and a soul killer.

Answer #3

Maybe I have the wrong conception of it…would you like to explain it?

Answer #4

people tend to fear the unknown. most people arent aware of wicca and have the common misconception that its tied into devil worship and acts of evil. people will judge you no matter what and its up to you whether you choose to be swayed by their perceptions or not. you know whats important to you and what you believe and thats important. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again: dont let anyone tell you what you can and cant believe in. noone lives your life but you and if you choose to let people make your descisions for you then thats your fault.

Answer #5

Having practiced the old way for many years and having left it. I will not call it bad But incorrect. it is a washed down version of the way of the craft of 1000 years ago. In the past 10 years it has become more and more confused with Fantasy and silly computer games. Yes covens exist that base their cerimony on JRR Token books and D&D Games. The closest thing to the Ancient craft is actually the Gardenian tradition. Oh may all the Witches out there have a peaceful Yule. And before anyone goes flaming. . . . Remeber to keep your Chakra in balance by doing a good cleancing before posting. . .

Answer #6

well back along time ago people that did voo doo and that asked satan for help when they did black magic or hurt someone because god will not help you hurt another person. eventually that wore off but people still think they worship satan.

Answer #7

geek, you can’t even decipher the difference between voodoo & witchcraft, very sad. I believe you should do some more research before opening your mouth, because if you truly did do research you would of known more by now, or you obtained it from faulty resources & need to try again.

The bible condemns it. In the time the bible was written there was a rebellion going on against the female deity, the feminine rule I guess one could say. It took the rebellion further & made the male creator of everything(winning male favor). Eventually it became wide spread enough, but still saw the old way practices as a threat so condemned them. That's basically what happened in short. Now a days people are just brain washed into believing everything that is not of the bible is evil. Funny though, God made everything, wouldn't he of made evil as well? If so, how could he a being of pure good?

to the person above, Satanism couldbe counted as a branch of the Christain faith. If it weren’t for their boogy man there would be no such thing. Satanism is even worse than Christianity. It’s a pointless rebellion against a pointless rebellion, now a pointless religion. Witches, ancient Pagans, ect, never believed in any sort of devil & never will. There Gods & nature itself is a balance, 1. 2 they realize that good & evil is a man made creation, there is no such thing in true nature, just right & wrong, acceptable & unacceptable behavoir.

Another thing, chakara was recently adapted from the Chinese feng shui,

they usually just sought good karma, or good energy. They believed what went around came around, = exchange.

You do realize Wicca & Witchcraft are 2 different things right? Look it up I tire of repeating myself.

Well, best of luck to you. IF you ever need any help let me know.
Answer #8

Wiccan is not a bad witchcraft. There is a difference between black magic and white magic. In Wiccan, you can practice white magic where the healing of others is a main focus through concentration on chakras, herbs, meditations, crystal magic and other means. People can in fact practice black magic where the main focus is harm to others, but most people dont even know how to conduct it correctly. So don’t make your assumptions so one-sided. If you people get the chance to actually go to a library, go to the new age section and look up Christopher Penzack’s books on Shamanism, Wicca, and other various practices to learn something before you incorrectly assume that a religion is “bad”. Please.

Answer #9

geekster dear dont be ignorant.yo saying that hinduism shamanism buddhism islam jainism sikhism taoism confusius shintoism and all that is evil? you are so ignorant. im sorry but you are wrong. why cant you or anybody else understand that wiccans are not evil?alas I bet you dont even know what some of the religionss are. so dear think before you open your stupid mouth to speak spiteful words

Answer #10

Wiccans do not worship Satan nor even believe that Satan exists. Satan represents total evil to most Christians who follow the Christian faith. Wicca doesn’t “believe in good or evil”. We believe in only in neutrality. There is absolutely NO relation between Wicca and the Church of Satan, which was created by the late Anton LeVey in the 1960s. A person has only to do their own research. It’s important that whatever religion or none, that an individual chooses to study, to live by the tenets of; Loving kindness and doing no harm must be the core belief. Ignorance will often manifest itself as hate and fear. Education and tolerant co-existence is a lovely concept. All religions with a loving, spiritual path are a guide to living as the God/Goddess inspires us to. Replace hate and fear with open minded tolerance and lots of accurate information. PS. before I became enlightened, I feared pentagram symbols and Wicca. Now I am amused at my past lack of knowledge about this loving and spiritual path and feel grateful that I was blessed with an open mind. Bright blessings and Happy New Year to all people, no matter their path to acts of loving kindness and tolerance.

Answer #11

geekster, you obviously have done no research on this religion. Wicca is not just about witchcraft. It has many aspects odit yes, but it is not the main focus. The Wiccan religion allows you to believe in many different pantheons. The religion also does not believe in evil and good. So please just because something isn’t based around Jesus or God doesn’t make it bad. ANd next time, please, do some research before making a fool of yourself on the internet.

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