Why cant I forget him ?

okay well, I dated this guy my freshman year, till my sophomore year, where I broke up with him, cause of my mom.. we stayed friends, time passed by and we lost contact until this year we are both seniors, and we started talking again in the beginning of the school year, after he added, and commented my picture on fb. He gave me his number and we started texting, he would reply back but then after I told him I liked him the responses became one word answers, one word sentences and I realized that I still had feelings for him.. I wanted to tell him, but I was afraid of rejection, until I decided to tell him what I felt inside, I wrote it in a text, my sister grabbed my phone and sent the text, as I was going to press cancel.. he replied telling me that he no longer felt the same way he did for me before, but that we could stay friends I cried alittle bit cause it hurt me, things werent the same after that text we stopped, we stopped texting once again, and now we see each other in the school hall way, we lock eyes, and we try to play it off.. I want to know why I cant get over him, like I did with my previous ex boyfriends? am I obessed ? why am I still stuck on him? I know I’ve been told to move on by my friends but its difficult. I’ve tried dating others, to replace him, avoiding him in the hallways, but I still feel this way for him..

Answer #1

Sometimes you meet that one person and you love everything about him , and all your thougts revolve around him, and there is no getting away from your feelings.. time is pretty much the only thing that helps but who knows how much time you will need to get over this guy.. its really hard i know. was it someone you were dating & you guys broke up? or a crush?

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