Why can't he just be honest?

My boyfriend has this habbit of making up excuses when he doesnt want to do something and I can always see it coming. Like this week for instance. He asked me to come to his so I suggested he come mine cause nobody would be there the next day so we could just chill. So he asked if he could get a lift to mine via my dad. He then text saying that he was tired and he knows how much I hate him falling asleep so he’ll just stay at his. But all he’s been doing is watching tv. If he wanted to do that why didnt he just say in the first place? Whats he scared of. Or is it just blatant and out there. Sorry a whole essay there >.<

Answer #1

This is a personality trait, my dad is the same way. I know it gets super annoying but there’s not much you can do about it unfortunately.

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