Was he honestly worth the pain I have?

This boyfriend just broke up wit me because he said he wanted 2 take a break. because his friend candy said it was best. now hes going out with her. I swear he was cheating on me bcause atleast 20 seconds after he broke up wit me I asked him if I could b jealous if he got a new girlfriend and he said that he was already dating someone. he also lied straight to my face saying that he didnt like anyone else. I stayed so faithful to him and I was never mad when I wuldnt see him for atleast a month. he keeps saying he wasnt cheating on me. was he rele worth all the pain and tears he just now caused me? I cried all nite because of that and now I feel rele dizzy and sick everytime I hear his name.

Answer #1

Hes defentily not worth the pain. If he did cheat on you, hes a low scum bag, but if he didnt hes still pretty low for going out with a girl that soon after you broke up. But any guy that breaks your heart in the first place, is never worth the tears you will cry over him. I know its hard not to cry but really a guy is never worth the tears if hes a jerk.

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