How can I be honest with this guy?

am oa young woman of twenty years old and am having a wonderful relationship with a guy who is four years older than me.the only problem that i do encounter is my inferiority and insecurity.i dont know how i can tell him about my daughter who i got from my previous relationship,i dont know what to do and say to him since this relationship seem to be heading to another!!

Answer #1

First ask him about his previous relationships, and have a good chat on this topic, and when you agreed on that both of you have the right to have previous relationships, and that is good if you had some, indicating that you are living persons, then you may say that one of your previous love has brought forth a nince baby, who you like very much.

Answer #2

Be up front and honest that’s the best way.. and if he flakes out on you because of your daughter then he wasnt the guy for you. and dont chase after him or make him want to be a part of your life.. if he wants to run like a lil boy let him. you’ll still have your daughter!

Answer #3

I agree with stellar. Just come right out and tell him. By hiding it from him you’re not being fair to him, you, or your daughter. That’s the kind of stuff people need to know up front. If he has a problem with it, so what? If he isn’t interested in you anymore, then move on.

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