Why can I feel a harding of my belly??

I was on depo for about a year and I havent had a period in a year..adn I still do nt have 1.. My last shot was august of 2009..now me and my friend have been having unprotected sex since the last week of february everyday lol on out… But abt 2 3 weeks ago I ws reallii dizzy and I fely syck I took a hpt negative I went to the doc… Urine test negative I have a small amout of clear stuff coming out of my breast…and I have cramp like feels and my lower tummy now if I press in my tummy it feel like a big ball like thing lol and I just wanna no if sumthing is going on>>>

Answer #1

Ok thanks guys

Answer #2

Something could be going wrong with your shot. honestly your not suppose to be on that shot for that long because it causes you to gain weight. no joke my cousin was a twig when she got on it and has been on it for 3 years which is very unhealthy. she is gaining weight like crazy and now my aunt keeps telling her she looks like a cow.

Answer #3

uh.. the majority of injections, and pills that have to do with birth control make you gain weight.. and there might be a slight possibility that you may be pregnant.. all the symptoms you have are the same exact symptoms a pregnant woman would have in her first months of pregnancy … if your always sleepy (tired), swollen feet, frequent peeing, morning sickness, hunger (cravings), mood swings, liquid coming out of your nipples is a symptom that your hormones are changing.. it usually comes out only when your pregnant for about 4 months or 5.. I dont think it’ll hurt if you see a doctor, go to a different one.. my mom works in this field so im like 90% sure that you may be pregnant..

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