Why believe in this so called "God" .

It says in the bible that “God is perfect” which means he creates “perfect” things , it would be ‘un’perfect because he makes things differently , && no ones perfect , I know but if God made us , why didnt he make us perfect && I know one of you are gunna be like , WELL ADAM/EVE SINNED SO NOW WERE NOT PERFECT , uhm no , first off , if “god knows everything” than he would know EXACTLY WHAT path we took , NO theres no different paths because HE SOPPOSBLY KNOWS EVERYTHING . Now , one of you has to explain to ME WHY EVERYTHING IS NOT perfect, but sopposbly god is && also ,IT HAS GOD DOES NOT JUDGE , than in the bible it says SEXUALITY WITH THE SAME SEX is NOT allowed , now HE IS judgeing us than .

Answer #1

here cap, read the rest of my comment again; it makes the meaning clear if you read the whole thing, not just one part:

God doesn’t condemn anybody to hell forever. The Holy Word of God tells us many times that the wicked will be destroyed. It is called ‘God’s strange act’ because destroying the wicked goes against His nature of love and peace, but the wicked cannot stand in the presence of God. The brightness of God will destroy the wicked.”

ty, no you are not seeing my point. God does not choose for us whom we shall serve, that is strictly up to each one of us.

If God did choose our path in life it wouldn’t be our life would it? It would be God’s life and we would be His puppets. But God gives us ‘freedom of choice’. We are the ones who decide which path to follow; either God and heaven or Satan and destruction.

If we choose to follow our own idea of who God is and what He wants, then we are not following the true God. We all must make a choice either to love, trust, and follow God and His laws or go our own way.

IGod did not make us robots.

t’s up to each one of us to choose our own destiny.

Answer #2


I understand your point, but you are not understanding mine.

If you told your dad you wanted to go off to war, but he refused to allow you to go; if you decided to go against his wishes anyway, what could he do? You are a full grown man who can make his own decisions. So you go off to war and get killed.

Your dad tried to stop you by words of love, caring, and patience…he did everything he could to keep you safe, but you went against his wishes. Same with the Lord.

Every one of us has freedom of choice, we are all adults who can make up our own minds as to what we want to do. So, we can either go against God’s wishes or we can do as He has asked us to do. If we love, respect, and trust Him we will choose to walk with Him thru all the good and the bad times to the end.

I sure hope you can see what I am trying to help you understand. I cannot explain it any better.

God bless you ty.

Answer #3

there is no god after all. it is just a psychology mater. there is a plethora of psychological (individual and social) behaviors that are congruent with believing in some kind of god. for example. belief can help people, and some times believes related to some god, are in particular functional to some belief that can be useful to some people to achieve some goal. so there exist some kind of reward mechanism that reinforce the believing in the particular god in question. but, one just can belief in the functional belief and achieves the same goals. but it is “easier” for some people to settle those functional beliefs in other non ascertainable beliefs as belief in some kind of god, because there is no a real risk that some day some one show up that this god does not exist. so.. in some way, it may helps to belief in some god. but the true is that there is no god at all.

Answer #4

God created something He calls free will. Free will gives us the ability to make choices for ourselves. Adam and Eve chose to sin. You choose not to believe. I choose to believe wholeheartedly.

In psalm 139 it states that God knows what is going to happen every day of our lives. I myself have questioned this. If God knows why I am going to suffer pain, why doesn’t he stop it?

There is a simple answer really. Who would you be if you never had a mother and father who argued, a pet that died, or faced the consequences of sin? Would you be the same person? No! God did create us in His image, but not as Gods. We are not immortal on this earth. We are human.

The basic answer to your question is that we are not perfect, but he is. He knows what is going to happen. Most of the time he lets it happen, because it is part of our journey. He uses many things to draw us to him, and then closer. We are the ones who repeatedly turn away from Him!

I wonder how many tears he has cried, so that one day, we will never cry again. I think God is perfect. He is wonderful, to worthy for me to ever understand. I cannot comprehend all that he does, so I will leave what he does up to him, and worry ore about making the right descisions with the free will he gave me.

I hope this sorts it out!

Answer #5


You said: “but no matter what I do, he will never turn his back on me, he would never disown me”

God will never turn His back, never dis own any person. We are the ones who turn our backs on Him when we deny Him; choosing self over God’s righteousness. God has no choice in the matter, it is up to each one of us who we shall serve, either God or our selfishness.

God doesn’t condemn anybody to hell forever. The Holy Word of God tells us many times that the wicked will be destroyed. It is called “God’s strange act” because destroying the wicked goes against His nature of love and peace, but the wicked cannot stand in the presence of God. The brightness of God will destroy the wicked.

The Father loves us so much that He came to earth knowing full well what He would have to go thru to save anybody who would call Him ‘Father’.

Jesus knew that He would be tortured and die a very painful death on the cross, but the worst thing of all wasn’t the pain, the blows of the soldiers, nor the torture He indured … it was separation from His Father.

Through out eternity Jesus had never for one second been away from God. So, when Jesus took the sins of the world upon Himself it seperated Him from the Father for the very first time.

God’s love is deeper than any human mind can understand, deeper than an earthly father’s love could ever be.

You said: “I guess God places conditions on love then?”

No, it isn’t God who places conditions on love; it is us who choose to walk away from Him, when we turn our backs on what He offers us. God offers us eternal life in paradise, and we walk away because we choose not to do as God asks us to do.

If we trusted Him, we’d know His laws are there to protect and save all who follow them. It is much like a father telling a child to come away from the edge of a drop-off. If the child loves and trusts the father, he will do as he says and live, but if the child thinks of his own selfish desires, and chooses to do what he wants to do, he will fall off the cliff and die.

God’s desire is to save as many as He can. God is pure love and if we trust Him, He can save us from eternal death, giving us life everlasting. All we it takes is to do what God asks us to do…

Answer #6
  1. You are right when you say ‘God creates perfect things’ which He did when He created Adam and Eve. God gave the human race the freedom of choice. We can choose to follow God and live thru out eternity in heaven with Him and the angels, or we can choose to do our own thing, which leads to hell.

  2. In the Bible, God’s Holy Word, it tells us that there are two paths and we must choose the path we will travel…one leads to God and heaven, the other leads to Satan and damnation.

The majority will choose to follow the worldly, rebellious ones that go against God and His laws; this path is wide and many shall walk it. The path to God is narrow and few shall find it. To find it you must keep God’s laws and go against the world’s views. It will be a rough pathway, with many dangerous turns (temptations), but if we are faithful to God and continue to follow Him, this path will lead upwards to heaven.

  1. At Jesus Christ’s second coming, at the end of our world (which is very soon now), God’s perfect purity and brightness will automatically kill the wicked because sin cannot stand/live in His presences. The righteous ones will be risen from their graves and with the living followers of God, will be lifted to Him and taken to heaven.

After 1,000 years in heaven, God will bring us all back to earth in the New Jerusalem. He will raise the wicked from their graves and judge each one. Then God will destroy them putting an end to sin forever! After that the saints shall live with God through out eternity.

  1. God loves us like a Dad loves his children. The Lord wants us all to be in heaven, but He also knows that many will choose to walk in rebellion to Him. I am sure He has cried many, many times when He sees His children going astray.

The Lord mentions many sins (murder, rape, liars, thieves, adulators…) in the Bible one of which is the homosexual lifestyle. Here are three verses that mention this:

Romans 1:26-27, NIV “Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.”

Is practicing homosexuality a sin? Leviticus 18:22, “Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin.”

Can a practicing homosexual go to heaven? I Corinthians 6:9, TLB. “Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.”

God tells us what will keep us out of heaven and if we love Him we will choose to not do those things. When you were a child you did what your Dad told you to do, right? And many times your Dad told you, you could not do some things because they were harmful. If you did them anyway, you got hurt…Your Dad told you not to do them because he loves you…same with God.

I hope this helps. If you have more questions, please give me a shout. God bless you.

Answer #7

orion - you missed my point, yes there is free will, my father obviously does not force me to do anything, however if I chose to walk infront of a bus he is not going to let me die because of he loves me. It is beyond my understanding how a loving God would simply allow people to burn in hell even if they chose their own path…

Answer #8

here cap, read the rest of my comment again; it makes the meaning clear if you read the whole thing, not just one part: (God doesn’t condemn anybody to hell forever.)

I did read the whole thing… and that part is STILL new…

Answer #9

God doesn’t condemn anybody to hell forever.

Well, that’s certainly new…

Answer #10

sigh people are good at getting off topic aye? Men created the bible so of coarse they want to make God perfect & want us to seem inferer in order to get people to worship him but aye that’s men for ya

Answer #11

I can’t answer you now, you have to look for answers yourself before its too late. so Start your research on these three religions from their people not from Internet or others:

  1. Christianity (because most people are christians)
  2. Islam (because it is the fastest spreading religion)

otherwise, worship yourself !

Answer #12

There is no logical reason to believe in any gods. If you are going to represent the atheist community, please do it with some dignity and character. People already think we are all evil - you are making it worse.

Answer #13

Jewleeeff I think you are to angry to isten to the truth. and you have your mind made up so if anyone answered you which a few have, you don’t want to hear it. thats why the word says not to cast your pearls before swine, because they will trample it under. Ask Him to prove Himself to you.

Answer #14

“getting older, you are getting smarter” ufck off yourself!

Answer #15

ITS EXACTLY my point tho , OTHER CHRISTIANS should believe in something that is NOT REAL , therefore I posted some questions they CANNOT answer && if some did , im gunna be absolyutly shoked.

Answer #16

If you ABSOLUTELY do not believe in that at all, then why are you asking such questions? reading fairy tails you don’t believe in what happens there. and you dont ask people, why santa claus comes through the chimney. that’s the sam stuff if yuo didn’t get me

Answer #17

I ll tell you what I think about this all. I believe in God, but dont believe in church. Church has nothing to do with God (if He exists). it was just created to rule people and that’s all. So church invented this stuff like the bible, and it has nothing to do with God. God is inside.

Answer #18

IM NOT CHRISTIAN, and you didnt answer my questions , I understand you answered ONE , BUT still , && I can cerently say that I am absolutly above the influence I have self respect && im slut free , I have GREAT values !

Answer #19

Orion: “All we it takes is to do what God asks us to do… “ that is a condition…

condition (noun) One that is indispensable to the appearance or occurrence of another; prerequisite (I.e. we do what God asks then we go to heaven)

At the end of the day it is still in God’s power to save everyone (being all powerful…) and therefore God’s choice to not save those who disobey… the wicked burn in God’s presence because God wants it to be that way (again, God is all powerful)…

you compare it to walking off a cliff from free will, and my point is, my father wouldnt simply let me fall even if I walked off a cliff by my own free will… if he had the power to save me, he wouldnt say, too bad, you chose to go off the cliff…

Answer #20

orion - you compare God to a father, well let me tell you something about my father, he may have rules and expect me to do certain things, but no matter what I do, he will never turn his back on me, he would never disown me (or condemn me to hell forever) for not following his rules, no matter what I did, his love for me wins over his desire for my obedience. I guess God places conditions on love then?

Answer #21

Can a practicing homosexual go to heaven? I Corinthians 6:9, TLB. ‘Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.’


Of course you would omit the NEXT verses.

Answer #22

no he wouldn’t be judging us when he says that because it’s his world that he shares with everyone so he’s going to have so rules! Like the seven deadlies sins and about how to like the other gender!! Also, it’s wrong and disgusting when you date your same gender! GROSS!! God is perfect, and he makes us all different with different personalities!! and yes he does make perfect things in this world!! if you have a house to live in and good parents then you should be greatful!! Read the bible and believe in him!

Answer #23

WOW IT’S SO COOL HOW YOU CAPS THINGS LIKE YOU’RE YELLING!! and it’s so cool how you’re so good at spelling.

now my answers to your questions: God doesn’t judge and saying that being gay and lesbian is wrong is not judging by any means. why didn’t he make us perfect? that’s easy. you answered that yourself. it’s because of adam and eve and it’s not really that he didn’t know they were going to do that. it’s because he trusted them to obey him and they didn’t so they were punished.

it’s all about faith in God, Jewleeeff. obviously, you have none.

Answer #24

“he did everything he could to keep you safe, but you went against his wishes.”

This analogy doesn’t work for me. The contemporary Christian definition of God is that he’s all-powerful and all-good. A human father could not always physically or legally stop his child from going to fight in a war. God however, has no such limitations, and has the option of using his power continuously to stop all kinds of evil and suffering, temporary or eternal. That he doesn’t do this would contradict the idea that he’s all-good.

Let me ask you this. Does God have free will? Does he have the option, according to you, of choosing to perform an evil act? If he does not, then why would he create us with that capability? In fact, how is it even possible for him to create us with that capability if he doesn’t even have it?

And please don’t say it’s because he wants us to choose him over evil. That would basically mean that humans, by virtue of their free will, are more powerful than God, and that our actions drasically limit him.

Answer #25

“God created something He calls free will. Free will gives us the ability to make choices for ourselves. Adam and Eve chose to sin. You choose not to believe. I choose to believe wholeheartedly. “

You’re completely missing the point. If we define God as the most perfect, good being that can possibly exist, he would not be capable of or willing to create free will beings that could bring evil into his presence.

“The basic answer to your question is that we are not perfect, but he is. He knows what is going to happen. Most of the time he lets it happen, because it is part of our journey.”

What is more morally decent to you? Allowing a person to live their lives freely knowing that they will spend eternity in torment if they choose wrong, or intervening in their affairs daily using your omnipotence to do anything possible to stop that from happening? Most people would say the latter is more moral, thereby rendering your version of God as immoral.

Another poster on this board, toadaly, explained the Biblical account of God perfectly. You have the Old Testament God who is clearly violent, vengeful, and a major player in the muck of human affairs. Then you have the New Testament God, benevolent, merciful, and desiring a relationship with each person. Since these cannot be reconciled, it’s more logical that God is in fact a product of the times, taking on the attributes of whatever culture is writing about him.

Which, of course, leaves us with no reason to accept the Bible or any other account of God as being accurate.

Answer #26

orion - it is nice to have you back. I am sure that many of us have missed your answers, especially the ones regarding homosexuality. we know how tolerant, kind and forgiving you are on that subject… lest we forget orion’s answer from a previous question regarding homosexuals… ‘Are you a Christian? If you are then you probably read the Bible? In there it talks about that lifestyle as an abomination unto the Lord…and ENORMOUS SIN. Here, let me put it up for you:

Romans 1:26-27, NIV. ‘Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones. In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed indecent acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their perversion.’ (Aids? )

Is practicing homosexuality a sin? It’s in the Bible, Leviticus 18:22, TLB. ‘Homosexuality is absolutely forbidden, for it is an enormous sin.’

You see, the Lord does not make sin and the homoseuxal lifestyle is an ‘enormous’ sin. It is a choice, they are not born that way, no matter what they say, they were not born that way, they’ve chosen to do it by choice, which goes against God.

Can a practicing homosexual go to heaven? I Corinthians 6:9, ‘Don’t you know that those doing such things have no share in the Kingdom of God? Don’t fool yourselves. Those who live immoral lives, who are idol worshippers, adulterers or homosexuals—will have no share in his kingdom.’

Practicing homosexuals are called to repent. I Timothy 1:10-11, ‘Yes, these laws are made to identify as sinners all who are immoral and impure: homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, and all others who do things that contradict the glorious Good News of our blessed God, whose messenger I am.’

I posted the entire quote, I know how you hate things taken out of context…

jewleeeff - the bible was written by man and reflects the popular religious/political beliefs of the time it was written. there are many contradictions in the bible… but it is clear about homosexuality being a sin… it also promotes slavery… and rape as a spoil of war is okay also…

I take it for what it is…a book written by man… a book that has been used, throughout history, to support and condone various despicable acts… many now use it to support their hatred of homosexuals, going so far as to say that homosexuals contracted AIDS as a result of their sinful lives.

Answer #27

There isn’t any reason to believe in any gods, nor is there good reason to bait the Christians. Grow up.

Answer #28

the bible isn’t written by god. It is written by his followers. People believe in god because people need something to hope for. It makes people feel like they are not alone. I am Christian but also a historian. Adam & eve is a story to try to explain the unexplainable. Its that simple. It was written in very old times where women were not viewed as equals. That is why the only women ever mentioned are sinners or prostitutes. With the exception of the virgin Mary of course. But you have to realize that people interperet jt in different ways. The bible was written by people. Peope who are imperfect and flawed just the way god made them.

Answer #29

the bible isn’t written by god. It is written by his followers. People believe in god because people need something to hope for. It makes people feel like they are not alone. I am Christian but also a historian. Adam & eve is a story to try to explain the unexplainable. Its that simple. It was written in very old times where women were not viewed as equals. That is why the only women ever mentioned are sinners or prostitutes. With the exception of the virgin Mary of course. But you have to realize that people interperet jt in different ways. The bible was written by people. Peope who are imperfect and flawed just the way god made them.

Answer #30

I ll tell you what I think about this all. I believe in God, but dont believe in church. Church has nothing to do with God (if He exists). it was just created to rule people and that’s all. So church invented this stuff like the bible, and it has nothing to do with God. God is inside.

Answer #31

noones jugin noone. its the worlds ot look on things. im a christian. well I at least have christian values. I belive we are here for a reson. and I believe there is a better place out there. but I live life my way and go by what I think is ok for my life. im my own christian in a way

Answer #32

Okay first of all buddy , YOU DIDNT ANSWER any of my questions , && I absolutly DONOT belive in that at all . && THAT STUFF IS ALLL IN THE BIBLE, k so get your ‘facts’ STRAIGHT !

Answer #33

BAHAHAHAH, you make NO sence , but , HOW CAN GOD DO THAT? GODS PERFECT RIGHHHT , well thats what it said in the bible , && plus , GOD IS NOT FCUK!NG person , && thats what it says in the bible just not with the eff word , uhm , how can you PREACH something with no facts? so your contradicting yourself? stay out of my arguement budddy , && while your at it , get all YOUR 8ULLFCUK!N9 sh!t off this , kthnx !

Answer #34

Your answers are contained in the Bible - re-read it ‘cover to cover’ - this what I know to be true: God being pure cannot even look upon sin - man, even in his very best state is a sinner - on judgement day, either: your sins are covered by the blood-shed sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (salvation and only salvation - being a nice person isn’t good enough - even at our very best, we are but filthy rags), and remembered no more or they are not (your sins are not covered) - where God’s great love comes into play is, He provided a WAY (Jesus) for us not to perish and live in Heaven with Him (He certainly didn’t have to do this but did because He loved us so) - if you read carefully John 3:16, this is exactly what it says - each person will either accept or reject, you must decide for yourself and yes, it’s so important, it has eternal consequences - He Loves you and wants you to accept God’s free gift to man - Jesus…Hope this helps you !!

Answer #35

one more question. if God is Allmighty, can he create a stone, that he cannot lift.
P.S. There are 3 topics you should argue about: weather, politics and religion))

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