Why am I so repulsive?

no boy seems to like me! am I really that repulsive that boys would rather make out with a roach than date me? why can’t I attract anybody?

Answer #1

Maybe your just a late bloomer when it comes to stuff like this im 14 and I just got my first boyfriend last year…I used to feel the way you feel but then I moved to a new school and everything changed so just keep trying, ok

Answer #2

I really doubt any boy would rather make out with a roach than you. Besides, I hear roaches aren’t very good kissers. Just be patient. There’s someone out there for everybody. Your boy will come along when the time is right! :)

Answer #3

well darlin not everyone is attracted to everybody and just because some boys dont find you attractive I bet there are some that do, you just gotta keep trying and soon your find the right guy who likes you

Answer #4

mabye b/c you are trying to get the wrong boys

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