Why am I getting thinner?

I weighed 102 pounds but recently got a stomach bug and lost five pounds. Before that I had noticed that my jeans werent fitting as tight as they did before, and my face has gotten a little slimmer. I dont work out or do sports like I used to and im not on any medication but yet still looking and getting thinner. Please help if you have any theorys as to why this is happening. -thanks xoxo, allie(:

Answer #1

you thyroid glance does affect your weight in some ways. How old are you? If you do have a fast metabolism then it could be that you just need to eat more calories then the daily allowence so that your body can burn off the calories without you loosing any weight. Being ill can make you lose weight and if your bodies stil a bit off you may continue. Are you quite an active person, I dont mean sporty wise but are you always on the go? if you are eating foods which are high in fat and stil not gaining any weight then the doctor would be the next place to go. because this is also not healthy for your body. try eating 6 times a day but a combination of healthy too and see if this helps. sorry couldnt be much more helpful. hope this helps. x

Answer #2

I have been to the doctor for both of those and they were fine. im 15, I weigh less than almost everyone my age. im also in 9th grade. im really pretty much done with puberty I started before everyone else and now theyve all caught up and I havent grown any in almost two years. im just getting a little worried because im starting to see some bones(on my chest and my ribs) which I havent seen in a reallly long time.

Answer #3

I stay at home and am on the go about half and half. I know I have a high metabolism becauseive always been real skinny but it had slowed down for about three or four years…but not too much I guess because I can still wear some jeans from 5th and 6th grade.

you all were a ton of help thank you sooo much!! (:

Answer #4

how old are you? (no creeping intended) if your ending puberty, then your body is dne growing and you usually thin out a little bit, because it takes stored up fat to help with all your daily processes, if you are ending puberty then you dont have as many processes to fill hope I helped :)

Answer #5

Well just a thought. It may have something to do with your metabolism? You should go to your doctor and have him check how fast your metabolism has gone and I think there are other symtoms but I think something with your thyroid makes you lose weight fast too. you could check into that though im not completely positive.

Answer #6

Did you happen to lose consumption on food? If your not eating the appropriate amount of meal portions a day then thats a likely factor of why your thinning so much. I would try eating a bit food on the fattening side.

Answer #7

I did for about three days during and after. I have been thats almost all I’ve eaten for a while now thanks though(:

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