Why? Abusive boyfriend??? or just a jackass???

ok, me and my boyfriend have been together for about a month and 2 weeks now, he is my life… he has changed me in some ways for the better, but I think its getting a little out of hand… he and I both are a little bipoler, but what hes done doesn’t explain being bipoler… he gets all pi$$ed at me if I hug my guy friends when I walk by my class, or if I get a friends number he’ll flip, but today at school he got 2 chicks numbers I got a little upset because 3 of my friends got rushed to the hospital bec. of the HUGE fight, and my cuzin died on the 6th… so of course I would be upset if my closest friend/cuzin is dead, and on top of that my 3 friends got rushed to the hospital… but now on top of all of that he gets 2 girls numbers, wont kiss me because I had a yummy blue succer, and doesn’t even want my number… I mean I try to call him, but it takes at least 5 times for him to answer, usually its his brother who hangs up on me after calling me a B!+ch… I don’t know what to do, honestly I dont want to lose him, hes amazing and I love him, but I dont know anymore, please please help me!!! THANKS

Answer #1

wow, thanks so much!!! and his brother is 14, he’s 17… but I mean he treats his little brother better than he does me… oh forgot one thing he told me the other day… he is into mixed martial arts, and he told me that if he ever gets me prego then he would moi ti kick me in the stomach… which would instantly kill the baby… he doesn’t want any kids, but yet he knows how much im pro life, like im completly against abortions… no one I know has killed their baby on purpose… my friends baby died in the womb bec. of her ex boyfriend(the daddy)… and I almost died when I was little because of my daddy (do not worry, he is no longer my father-rights terminated)

Answer #2

jealousy it sounds like, I have only guy friends, I’ve been with my man for 3 years+, when I would talk to my friends yeah he would get mad and if he did of course I would so I don’t know just let him get over it in his own time, give him time.

Answer #3

he wont get over it, he always brings up my ex’s, but I never bring up his, he always ruins our special moments, and always wants me to play with his dik, he thinks im to jealious, but he makes a huge scene in the middle of the hallways at school when I give my bff a hug, I mean really… oh yea and he dont like my red skini jeans or my pink shirt, but I and a lot of other people love em, he said I dont dress normal, but the thing is… im NOT NORMAL!!! I dont wanna be normal, I never will be, and now bec. he dont want me wearing them I dont, he dont like my winter coat, so I freeze my a$$ off in the winter(now) for him!!! I love him, but I think this is a little out of hand! dont you?

Answer #4

I don’t think he is abusive but he sounds like he can be a jackass at times. He is your life and it is a new relationship but don’t let a man become your Whole life. It is so nice that he has changed you in some ways for the better and I think everyone can be bipolar ( some more then others). He shouldnt get pissed if your just hugging a friend, he obviously doesn’t trust you enough. If your in a relationship you should give someone your trust because it is a necissity in a relationship. I’m not saying you should give it right away but it should be there. Why would he get two chicks numbers? I don’t see any reason for that I can see a guy doing that if it was an open relationship. I’m sorry for the loss of your cousin and it seems like you have a lot of stress going on you shouldnt have to be worrying about what your boyfriend thinks about your shirt and jeans he should think you look beautiful in anything. If he’s always asking you to play with his d , you know you can say no. You do not HAVE to do it. Do what you want and not what he wants all the time. You come first. Call him once and see if not maybe hes busy and if he’s ignoring you the hell with him then ignore him back. His brother shouldn’t call you a b, what is he like eleven? You say you don’t want to lose him and he is amazing then you say dont know anymore. I can see you like him very much but if you feel he is treating you wrong tell him whats on your mind. If he likes you as much as you like him, he will stop being so foolish. Follow your heart.

Answer #5

I dont think he worth it then…your 14..so you shoudl go through high school right now..and sorry for saying not worth it..just the way he is acting is you nmature . as advice..u have to talk to him if he doesnt..then that shame on him..and the person right dont make it your whole life..dont your too young still..

and if you do say oh he biplord. my ex was..and I was able to still talk to her..and work it out with her,

Answer #6

I dont think he worth it then…your 14..so you shoudl go through high school right now..and sorry for saying not worth it..just the way he is acting is you nmature . as advice..u have to talk to him if he doesnt..then that shame on him..and the person right dont make it your whole life..dont your too young still..

and if you do say oh he biplord. my ex was..and I was able to still talk to her..and work it out with her, cause she wanted to work it out with me..thats the difference

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