Is the Bible real or fantasy?

Is the Bible a book filled with facts or is it a book full of fiction? What are your views on the Bible?

Answer #1

The Bible is more fictional, then historical. Just a load of made up stories people were making up to explain their existance. irishtomboy we certainly aren’t here because of a fictional book called the Bible. maybe you should invest in some science classes.

Answer #2

The Bible is completely real. It is the true book of life and the second greatest gift of God to man. After all it is called “THE BOOK” .

Answer #3

The Bile is the true word of God written through men inspired by him. It is a truly reliable account of history

Answer #4

The original Holy Bible is real word of God written by people inspired by the Holy Spirit.

But now, there are bibles (not all though) which are changed in their contents, having subtractions and addtions, etc. etc.

Answer #5

The Bible is a record of what early believers in the faith believed. It is rather interesting that made it into the Bible and what didn’t.

The Council of Nicaea in 325CE produced the first unified Christian doctrine and decided which books of the Bible would be included and which would be removed. Prior to this some churches believed in the trinity while others did not; the council voted for the trinity. it also standardized the dates of several Christian holidays.

I view the Bible as a book of alegory and myth. Many of the same stories appear in earlier and later religions. Many of the stories are misunderstood today because over time they were corrupted or modern readers don’t understand the historical context of the story.

Answer #6

I believe the bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly.

Answer #7

the Bible IS real and NOT fictional cause think about something if the Bible’s fiction then how are we here?

Answer #8

I believe its a historical representation of the times, with some exaggeration.

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