Who is the father?

On may 25 was the first day of my last period, me and my boyfriend had been having sex all that week and week before several times a day, but 2 weeks before that I was with this one guy one time. Is there any way this baby is his…im so scared and im in love with my boyfriend, help me please.

Answer #1

Get a DNA test, there is no way we could tell.

Answer #2

yes I am I dident cheat on him if thats what you think

Answer #3

You are IN LOVE with your boyfriend?!?

Answer #4

To be honest, it could be either of them. Get a DNA test, it’s the only way to make sure. But doing that, your going to have to own up to what you’ve done.

Answer #5

If that isn’t cheating… Anyway, like lholly said, the father could be either of them, only a DNA test could clarify this problem.

Answer #6

if you had a period after sex with the other guy and only slept with your boyfriend since the last bleed you can be pretty sure its your bfs. Otherwise, it’s still more likely to be your boyfriend’s if you had sex with him more times so don’t panic. You can DNA test without anyone else knowing if you want to, you only need a hair from your boyfriend and one from the baby. Good luck with it.

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