Where: are there any wiccans in tri cities WA?

I live in the tri cities and its very very conservative so im just curious if there are any people of the wiccan faith in the tri cities

Answer #1

Why would you want to know? I’m not trying to sound rude or anything by any means but wiccans is just another way to worship the devil. Magick isnt real I’ve read the necrenomicon books and the book of the dead and many other witchcraft books but its not real. Its psychological. The devil is real, I know that for a fact but I also know that God is real and He was the creator of the devil. He is stronger than the devil ever will be. Even the devil fears God an knows the Bible front and back. I know I’ve probably got the idea in your head like “ what does this chick thinks she’s doing? Insultng me or something” well I’m not trying to I just dont want to die and go before God and him ask me why I didn’t help you to go on the right path and then it be my fault if you died and burned forever in hell. Please if your upset with me or you want to talk email me on here and I promise that I didn’t mean to make you angered. I’m a younger person I’m not one of those old people who force God down your throat and I know what its like to feel drawn to other forces I used to want to follow worshippers of the moon… I still feel so drawn to it like its where I belong, worshipping it not God but I know I’m wrong when I do and I never actually worshipped it but it was just the devil turning me away from God.

Answer #2

Oh get a grip, xxcmxx. Wiccans/Pagans do not, and have not EVER worshiped the devil. Paganism (and Wicca, which falls under the “umbrella” of Pagan religions) is the oldest religion in the world and was around for millenia before the idea of the “devil” was ever conceived (and long before monotheism, for that matter).

Wiccans do NOT believe that satan even exists, much less worship him. The main creed of the Wiccan religion is to “do what you will, as long as it harms none (including yourself)”. We believe in taking full responsibility for ourselves and our beliefs, and pledge to never intentionally harm ourselves, other people, or even other animals. We take this belief very very seriously, and believe in treating everyone with love, respect, and dignity, regardless of how that person treats us- not too different from how Christians are supposed to act, hmm?

Wiccans believe that all living things are beautiful and deeply connected. We believe that the earth, and all life, is sacred: a gift given from the God and/or Goddess. We believe in living lives full of peace, joy, and harmony through symbolic rituals and prayers.

Wiccans do not “worship” the devil, the moon, or anything of that sort. We never ever make “sacrifices” or perform “curses”: these things are considered unconscionable and inherently non-Wiccan. Most Wiccans even believe that attempting to “curse” someone will bring bad things upon yourself, and not anyone else.

The book of the dead is not much related to Wicca. We do not practice necromancy. We simply believe that death is a natural part of life and that the soul lives on even when the body decays. Again, not too different from what Christians believe. Many Wiccans (though not all) even believe in an afterlife similar to Heaven (though we do not believe in Hell or damnation).

That you think “necronomicon” books have anything to do with Wicca just demonstrates how depressingly misinformed you are about the faith. We do not practice “witchcraft” the way the modern media portrays it. Our rituals are essentially just meditation and prayer- ways to clear our minds of negative thoughts, find joy through spirituality, and attempt to better ourselves through dedication and prayer.

Please do not judge us. We do not judge you for your beliefs. We may not believe in the God or the Bible, but at their core, our beliefs are similar. Jesus taught that we should love our neighbors and treat them with respect, not try to convert them, or tell them they are going to Hell or being seduced by the Devil just because we believe differently from you.

You cannot convert everyone, and trying to do so only further alienates non-Christians from the Christian faith. Telling me that I will burn in Hell for my beliefs or that I am evil and Satanic drives me further and further away from wanting to have anything to do with Christians and Christianity. The way to encourage people to become interested in Christianity is to show them love, compassion, and understanding. What you are preaching, xxcmxx, is the exact opposite, and only drives people away. It is counterproductive and only fosters hostility and resentment. Frankly, it is un-Christlike.

Furthermore, a God who would condemn me to an eternity in Hell for practicing a faith that teaches me to love and respect others is not a God that I want anything to do with. That God is not loving and forgiving. The God of the Bible, if he existed, would not condemn me for living a life of peace, love, humility, and generosity. A God who would sentence me to burn in Hell forever because of my beliefs is an angry God, a vengeful God, a cruel God, even a repulsive God. That kind of God seems closer to evil than divinity.

Okay! As for the original question from gaia3: There are no open Wicca groups in the Tri-Cities area that I know of. Most likely this is because eastern Washington is such a conservative area, full of misguided and misinformed people like xxcmxx here, who know nothing about Wicca and are convinced that Wiccans worship satan, sacrifice small animals, and have orgies under the moonlight. (To reiterate: Wiccans do not practice ANY OF THESE THINGS.)

However, google “Tri-Cities, WA Wiccan groups” and there are a few results. I do not know if any of them are still around, and many of them appear to be inter-faith, encompassing other religions such as Native American spirituality and Buddhism.

For anyone interested in learning more about Wicca, I highly recommend the book “Paganism: An introduction to Earth-Centered Religions” by Joyce & River Higginbotham. It is available on Amazon, which also has a wide variety of other books on the subject. Amazon also sells things like herbs, candles, and other tools for practicing Pagans and Wiccans.

Anyone interested in discussing Paganism or Wicca with me can email me: raven.minamino@gmail.com. I live in the Tri-Cities area, and though I am a solitary practitioner, I would be thrilled to join some kind of Pagan/Wiccan group. I’m not sure a coven would be for me, but I would love to talk to people in my area who share my faith. :)

Blessed be,

Raelynn M.

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