When is the best time to breed my girl?

My girl is in heat. Been trying to breed her the last 2 days. However the dogs act as if she isnt in heat! When is the best time for them to do what they need to do so that we end up with puppies? Please hlp me because I kantno…

Answer #1

It’s very obvious by your question that you have no experience breeding. You don’t know what you are doing and you are putting your females life at risk in the process. What happens when your dog gets pregnant, whelping time comes, your dog has complications, you don’t know how to spot or handle those complications and you don’t get your dog to the vet fast enough for a C-Section? What happens is your dog DIES and so do her puppies. Is that what you want to happen to your dog? I didn’t think so! Go to your local shelter and ask to sit in when they are Euthanizing dogs. There are millions of dogs in Shelters getting Euthanized everyday because of irresponsible owners like yourself, breeding their dogs when they have no business doing so.. Don’t add to the existing problem by breeding your dog. Get your dog SPAYED and leave the breeding to the professionals who are breeding for the right reasons and who know what they are doing!!!

Answer #2

I really wish you wouldn’t, get her spayed. Better yet, save a life. Who said there wouldn’t be puppies at the shelter? Besides, what breed do you have? Anyway, if you were trying to better the breed and not just make money than I’m sure you would know how and when to breed. Dogluver

Answer #3

OMG, if you don’t know about the main info. for breeding dogs, then DO NOT BREED!! I studied for 3 years before having my first litter!!! This question is COMMON SENSE for a RESPONSIBLE BREEDER!! Not to mention I only breed to better the breed, with ONLY AKC dogs with exceptional backgrounds!!

Answer #4

You obviously don’t know anything about dog breeding, so I’m sure your objective is not to better the breed you’ve fallen in love with…so I’ll 3rd the motion…GET HER SPAYED…and leave dog breeding to the professionals.

They kill 4 MILLION dogs a year in the US…why contribute to that mess???


Answer #5

Approx 10 after she comes in heat she will actually stick her but in their face when she’s ready make sure they tie atleast 2 or3 times whiten about 4 or 5 days she should stay with the male

Answer #6

How about get her fixed? There are enough unwanted dogs out there, it isn’t necessary to bring more into the world.

Also don’t breed unless you know EVERYTHING about breeding.

Answer #7

amen phrannie

Answer #8

There is NEVER a best time. Spay her…please.

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